Building a closet

by Hope
Help please, I am turning my back bedroom into GIANT walk-in closet. I want to hang clothes from the ceiling. I am not sure what is the best idea for doing that. Do I need to reinforce the ceiling?? Or can I just use anchors and hang pipes from the ceiling. I have done a LOT of DIY both nothing of this magnitude. Any and all help is appreciated.

  5 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on Aug 25, 2017

    First if you are planning on selling your house in the future, make the closet temporary, as losing a bedroom does devalue the house.

    That said, you could get pipe and drill a hole on each end and get ceiling mount brackets, but you will have to install them into the ceiling joists, no anchor can handle the weight of all those clothes.

    So get a stud finder or try this totally cool hack....

    Predrill holes for screws using a very fine bit and tape it off how deep to go based on your screw.... make that screw long enough cause its going to be holding a lot of weight. Same holds true if your screwing mounts on the wall for rods.

  • Rod27467671 Rod27467671 on Aug 25, 2017

    Do not attach loads to your ceiling unless competently analyzed. Likely you cannot exceed floor-rated loads for closet contents...

  • Beth Stern Beth Stern on Aug 25, 2017

    You can nail a board into the joists above and then hang the rods from the board.

  • AColleen AColleen on Aug 26, 2017

    I turned a 12 x 12' bedroom into a walkin closet but I hung the rods from the walls in studs. I also used free standing shelves and shoe racks. Best thing I ever did!

  • Ellis Ellis on Aug 26, 2017

    Rods full of clothes are very heavy. Do not hang from the ceiling. That is asking for trouble. Closet systems have cabinets that will suoort clothing rods, and you can use the drawers in the cabinets for lingerie, etc. Ther are a number of systems available, at home centers, Ikea, online, or custom. If you are doing this on a shoestring, just buy some free standing garment racks or wardrobes.