How to darken the bedroom in upper level in A-Frame cabin

Kathryn Ringham
by Kathryn Ringham
We are challenged by triangle shaped windows in upper back bedroom of our A-Frame cabin in northern Minnesota. We need black-out coverage for sleepers.

Thanks! Kathryn

  7 answers
  • C. D. Scallan C. D. Scallan on Aug 26, 2017

    Tint the windows and purchase black out drapes from Walmart or any other big box store . I think JC Penney's usually has a wide variety of patterns and sizes .

  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Aug 26, 2017

    Kathryn, Here is a link where the triangular window pictured has the curtain rods installed on the left and right slanted sides of the triangle! GENIUS! AND if you click on the VISIT box on the bottom right side of the pic it will take you to a page loaded with window pics but the other pic I want you to see is a triagular indow of the same type first pictured but the curtains are white and go all the way to the floor. My thought is to get black out material from a fabric store and sew a pocket across the top of the two lengths of fabric you'll need for the length you want (perhaps somewhere between the two different lengths posted in the pictures), and a hem across the bottom then run the rods through the pockets and hang them up, not just pulling them shut but pulling them together AND crossing one over the other to make sure all light is blocked out. Well here is the link, thanks for asking Hometalk for a solution, and good luck! :)

  • Barb Barb on Aug 26, 2017

    I can see the light at early sun rise, boy that can put a big damper on your sleep and I sure hope my ideas will be of some help to you and your family!🛏🛌 Have you checked hunter Douglas blinds they had black out ones and shutters also below is an idea for curtains.

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  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Aug 27, 2017

    If need be, paint the upper portion black. I had to do this with a room that had really high windows up by the high ceiling. It was too high to think about shades or curtains as you would not have been able to reach them to open or close them. This was where I slept when I worked nights.

  • Fix It Jen Fix It Jen on Aug 27, 2017

    Does the window have a true point on top, an actual triangle? If so, you could try a shade that shape and hang it on a rod from the top; fix one side to the outer frame, and put a hook at the other side for closing it. It would look like an upside down windshield wiper, if you can picture it...

  • Pat Pat on Aug 27, 2017

    You could cut cardboard or Masonite to the shape of the windows & cover them with black shower curtains,(Walmart). If your windows are within reaching distance just set these inside the frames for sleeping & remove when not in use.