How to clean and deodorize old pet stains in light colored carpet?

by Lydia
  8 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 15, 2017

    Use natures Miracle available at pet stores

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Sep 15, 2017

    The best stain remover I have found is KABOOM Oxi Clean. (Walmart, purple spray bottle).

  • Lorrie Schnabel Lorrie Schnabel on Sep 15, 2017

    Unfortunately it is nearly impossible to completely remove old or new pet stains for that matter , you can try a mixture of vinegar 1 cup per gallon of tipped water add several table spoons of 20 mule team borax which you can find in the laundry section of your store. put this in a spray bottle and spray areas heavily with mixture, cover with an absorbent towel for about 30 mins. then agitate, spray with clear water blot with clean towel.

  • Ebbjdl Ebbjdl on Sep 15, 2017

    Nature's Miracle Duel Action Oxy cleaner. This product is for cats, and it will work for dogs too. Follow directions for the smell. Next the stains. Dilute Lestoil 1/4 cup to one gallon water. Scrub lightly, you don't want to soak the rug, just get the stain out. Put down paper towel, and push your hand down on the towel to get the excess water out. Good Luck!

  • I use this with great success

    comment photo
  • Gail Gail on Sep 15, 2017

    I have used Oxyclean, the powder, and clean rags or towels. Also, very hot water. Mix it, soak the rag, squeeze out as much as you can, put on stain and apply weight (I have bricks covered with plastic wrap) and leave alone. Later on, check on it and usually the stain goes into the rag, if not then reapply. It also takes out any odors. Hope this helps.

  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Sep 15, 2017

    Good Afternoon Lydia, Did you know you can locate EXACTLY where the affected area is at by using a black light to locate it? Yep! (I am an old Hippie who also used to be a motel maid ... surprising how life patterns all eventually seem to work together). I don't know if the stain and odor were caused by cat or dog and I imagine it doesn't really matter, so I am posting a link below by a woman who has 16 cats and what she uses to clean up after them all:

    Unfortunately, when urine makes its way though carpeting it almost always also goes THROUGH the padding under the carpet (which will ALSO need to be treated by pulling the carpet up off of it), Inevitably, the urine makes its way INTO the (usually wood) flooring underneath, which will ALSO need to be treated) :

    IF you still have odor after all of that, then your wood flooring will need to be sanded down until the stain has been sanded away, and then the wood will need to be resealed.

    Okay Lydia, that about covers it. Good Luck to you! Thank you for coming to HOMETALK for answers :)

  • Marlene Schwartz Marlene Schwartz on Sep 15, 2017

    Zep carpet cleaner. Saturate stains and let it work its magic.