How do I give my mobile home fireplace a new look?

by Nto29146882
We are remodeling our home and have left the fireplace for the end. The walls are now mint color with natural oak bead board along the bottom. We are considering painting the tile and the wood white. Does anyone have any ideas?
  15 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Sep 28, 2017

    Is it reel wood or pressed wood?

    • Nto29146882 Nto29146882 on Sep 29, 2017

      I'm not sure what it is, but I doubt it is real wood. I'll try sanding it this weekend and see what lies underneath. Thank you!

  • Mar24787706 Mar24787706 on Sep 29, 2017

    Answer this Hometalker's question!

    • Mar24787706 Mar24787706 on Sep 29, 2017

      Paint it in one or two shades deeper then the mint green you have....then accent with with large glass vase on the floor in midnight or royal blue...or maybe orange if you like. chose accent color you prefer.

  • 2dogal 2dogal on Sep 29, 2017

    I would leave the tile the way it is as by painting the tile, you first need to use a a high heat paint due to their location close to the fire box. Secondly, if you use the fireplace, and get get the greasy smoke on the painted tile, you will have a harder time cleaning them.

    Can you sand the wood and stain it the same color as the oak bead board? Or use a contrasting color to make it stand out as the focal point in your room.

    • Nto29146882 Nto29146882 on Sep 29, 2017

      Thank you! I have not thought of sanding and staining the wood, but it would certainly look better than just painting white.

  • Tami Stone Tami Stone on Sep 29, 2017

    Break up some colorful tiles (or some that match the room it's in) to make mosaic beauty

  • Annie Annie on Sep 29, 2017

    Since you only have 5 or 6 tiles above the firebox, how about replacing them with a patterned tile that pulls in the colors of your room. There are some awesome Arts and Craft style tiles that can be purchased. They're a little pricey but you dont need many

  • Elizabeth Elizabeth on Sep 29, 2017

    How about a fancy colorful fireplace screen with your minty color in ti. Christmas Tree shop has them sometimes. They are beautiful too. Then get a natural oak wood shelf and hang it above the fireplace to use as a mantle for plants and things. This way you don't paint or sand at all. And you still get a beautiful focal point.

    Good luck!

  • Pjo26908388 Pjo26908388 on Sep 30, 2017

    I like the fact that you have a fireplace. They really make a home cozy and are such a great focal point in a room!

    However, the proportions of the wood and the wall tiles surrounding the firebox do not have the wow factor.

    I would look for a salvage fireplace mantel that is wood and match the stain color (or paint) to the wood baseboards or paint it white. The tile can be changed as it is an easy and fairly inexpensive project.

    Craigslist has lots of time that is inexpensive. Finding the right look for your home will be very rewarding! I've added a couple pictures for reference.

    Have fun!

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  • Lailasultani Lailasultani on Sep 30, 2017

    I have fireplace in my living room n I don't even like fireplace, it was empty for a long time n I just put some vases with green leaves inside it n looks ok now.

  • Christierei Christierei on Sep 30, 2017

    IF you paint the mantel a bright white the tile will look dirty and dull. If you like distressed white surfaces that would be the way to go. Either sand the paint down on the edges to show some brown wood and / or use a brown glaze. The fluting in your fireplace surround would look great with this kind of paint treatment. I would also remove the grout form the tile. ( You can use a dremel tool). Replace grout with a beige white color.



  • Kmo4149175 Kmo4149175 on Oct 01, 2017

    Paint your tiles with floor paint in your choice of color and buy a stencil from Amazon to create that hand painted tile look. They are beautiful. If you have ever watched Fixer Upper you'll understand what kind of tile I mean. Lowe's has a plank board that looks like white washed ship lap. Yo could do that above the mantle to the ceiling to make it a focal point in your living room. To update the mantle you could create a faux beam (or just a big shelf) and stain it to create a nice contrast. There are also ways to paint grout without having to replace it all. Those projects always turn into feeling like you've bitten off more than you can chew. And if you're just looking for a quick cheap fix that'll be your best bet. Look on Pinterest for some ideas as well. It's a plethora of great ideas. Good luck! Share pics when you finish!

  • Nto29146882 Nto29146882 on Oct 02, 2017

    Thank you!

  • C C on Oct 02, 2017

    Your tile is fine. It is the wood fireplace surround that needs an uplift. I love my dark mahogany antique fire place and would never paint it BUT that is because it is in a very large room (17' X 23'). I did paint my moms fireplace (years ago). It was a beautiful natural Birch with brick surrounding the firebox. I painted the bricks white and did an Antique white & gold (kit) on the wood. WOW, what a difference to the whole room and mom loved it. Wish I had a picture to show you but that was 45 yrs ago. LOL