How to remove stubborn deodorant and sweat stains from cotton shirt ??

by Joni
  4 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Oct 02, 2017

    Try hydrogen peroxide and baking soda into a paste,apply to the stains,leave on overnight then launder as normal

    • Joni Joni on Oct 02, 2017

      Thank you!!! I will give your suggestion a try!!

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on Oct 02, 2017

    Try rubbing Dawn detergent into the stains and soaking. Then wash in the hottest water it can be washed in and air dry to make sure you got all of the stains out.

  • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Oct 02, 2017

    Hello Joni, I was going to suggest for light clothes to use hydrogen peroxide and salt or baking soda mixed together to a paste-like consistency and then scrub it into the stains and let it sit a few hours before scrubbing with a fresh mix and then rinse well; or if it is dark clothes use white vinegar and salt or baking soda and do the same thing ... however, here are a few short links that show what others have tried and how it worked for them:

    So, there you have it ... your choice of what you want to do to try to eliminate stubborn deodorant and sweat stains from a cotton shirt ;) Good Luck, and thank you for choosing HOMETALK for a solution, or two, or three LOL ;)

    • See 1 previous
    • KattywhampusLOL KattywhampusLOL on Oct 03, 2017

      Joni, Hello again :) and you are very welcome for the input. I try to be as thorough as possible and help you (and others) the same way I would like to be helped if and when needed. I enjoy doing this, and take pride in what being of assistance to others. I do hope my answers have been of help to you and that you have a wonderful Autumn and fantastic Holiday Season :)

  • Cam23379832 Cam23379832 on Oct 02, 2017

    Use vinegar and baking soda in the wash