How can you refinish a laminate table top that has heat stains?

by Debra
My table had not been in my den more than an hour before my friend set a hot plate down and created a white stain that will not come up. Tried the mayo suggestion, the iron suggestion, and nothing has worked. So I find my self-going crazy looking at the white heat marks, help!!! love my lift up table that is all wood except for the laminate top.

  5 answers
  • Suzette Suzette on Oct 04, 2017

    Hi Debra, Here's a video that uses and iron. I know you said you tried it, but maybe they did it a little different?

    Good luck!

  • PJ Wise PJ Wise on Oct 04, 2017

    I've never had a table I haven't been able to return to normal using the tried and true iron on steam hovering over a towel for a 15-20 seconds. If you choose not to do this again, may I suggest covering the white area with olive oil or another neutral oil, let sit overnight, and then wipe and polish.

    There is information here on HomeTalk about restaining using a gel stain or painting. I've read that usually under laminate there is particle board, so unless you want to deal with that, painting is probably the best bet.

  • Debra Debra on Oct 04, 2017

    Thank you so much. I didn't have the iron that high out of fear of doing more damage, but I will try it today. Thanks for the quick response and the reassurance in solving my problem. I also have not tried the olive oil. Can you use that real wood? I also have a heat spot on my dining room and I will try the olive on it first, before trying the iron trick.