How can you clean a glass cooktop around the burners used

  9 answers
  • Kim Fox Kim Fox on Oct 08, 2017

    glass cooktop cleaner

  • Allison Newby Allison Newby on Oct 08, 2017

    With a creamy white cleaner that has a fine grit in it. They sell it at walmart and its made for those flat glasstops. You just squirt a little on and rub with a cloth in tiny circular motion and it will all come clean. I've even seen someone take a razorblade and barely scratch the burned stuff on the eye and it came clean and didn't mark it up. Go for the cream stuff and good luck.

  • Lin22000611 Lin22000611 on Oct 08, 2017

    we have a few glass top stoves in rentals. Tenants never seem to clean them well and leave a crusty ring around burners. We buy large pack of single edge Razors from Harbor Freight and “gently” scrape the buildup off changing blades often as not to scratch the top.

  • 27524803 27524803 on Oct 08, 2017

    The commercial cook top cleaners and protectors work quite well, follow the directions and you should have a nice clean cook top THEN...

    My friend Nancyann gave me some really GOOD advice when we bought our new glass cook top/stove almost 15 years ago..... NEVER use a soapy dish cloth to clean off your cook top...the soap residue will cook onto the burners the next time you heat up the a little cleaning now will save you a lot of cleaning later... Try not to heat up a burner unless the surface is clean.

    Four things I keep close to my stove... a spray bottle of Windex, a no scratch green scrubby pad, a painters razor scraper, and paper towels. And Simple Green for greasy stuff.

    ** All cleaning should take place on a COLD cook top **

    BEFORE you start to cook anything... clean off the cook top with the Windex and paper towels to remove any dust, dirt, grains of salt or pepper on the surface.

    If you have cooked something that leaves greasy spatters on the cook top.. spray with the simple green, let sit a minute or so, use the green scrubby to loosen any hard stuff, and the razor scraper to gently get any stubborn stuff...and sop up the mess with p-towels. Then use the Windex to make the surface sparkly clean.

    I keep my green scrubby and scraper in a little tray in my hot pad drawer, it gets well rinsed, blotted dry and put away... it only gets used on the cook top

    My stove is about 15 years old and the cook top still looks good with only a few scratches... Ask my husband.. any time he cooks stuff (like scrambled eggs...after cooking hamburgers the night before) with out a Windex wipe down... HE has to be the one to use the COOKTOP Cleaner and get all the burnt on stuff off (the first time it took him 2 hours)

    Good Luck!

  • 27524803 27524803 on Oct 08, 2017

    Almost forgot...

    comment photo
  • Kor24924493 Kor24924493 on Oct 08, 2017

    elbow grease dont be lazy

  • Chloe Crabtree Chloe Crabtree on May 26, 2023

    This is the product I use and it works great!