Black granite

by S
how can I eliminate the water marks & fingerprints from my black granite 2-sink vanity?

  4 answers
  • Tina Carvelli Tina Carvelli on Oct 14, 2017

    I hope this helps

  • Dorothy Hope Dorothy Hope on Oct 14, 2017

    My granite counters have black in them, and I use a product called BOULDERCLEAN , Natural Granite & Stainless Cleaner. You can order it on line at BOULDERCLEAN.COM. I couldn't be happier with a product! Wipe the surface dry after cleaning.

    comment photo
  • Catherine Anspaugh Catherine Anspaugh on Oct 15, 2017

    I would use vinegar and water. Let it set for a minute and then wipe it down. That's the thing about black granite, you have to wipe it whenever it gets a spot on it otherwise you will end up with hard water stains.

  • S S on Oct 15, 2017

    TY Catherine. I'll try that today. I wonder if there's a polish or something to prevent this from happening at all?