How to keep bedsheets from getting crumpled while sleeping

Farida Lalan
by Farida Lalan
  5 answers
  • Cdgqyr Cdgqyr on Oct 17, 2017

    I buy king size sheets for my queen size bed. When making the bed, I tuck the end of the sheet under the mattress and finish with hospital corners. The extra width and length of the larger sheet are very helpful in keeping the sheets from sliding and crumpling.

  • John Vigna John Vigna on Oct 17, 2017

    SLEEP on the floor

  • 17335038 17335038 on Oct 17, 2017

    If the bottom sheet is crumpling then it is probably too large for the mattress, or the dimensions do not fit tightly enough to stay in place under normal use.

    Use sheet garters (sheet suspenders, grippers) to pull the sheet tighter around the mattress, with the excess fabric pulled under.

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  • Do you sleep well? Obviously you move a lot during your sleep. If you get up feeling refreshed, I wouldn't worry about it much. Or do what Cdgqyr suggested. If you already have a king bed, sew extra fabric on both sides and bottom of sheet to tuck in further to keep them in place better.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Oct 17, 2017

    I have a quilted fitted mattress pad under the fitted sheet. With some sheets, I have to use garters on the mattress pad as well as the fitted sheet. But only at the top of the bed. The bottom never comes loose, and doesn't seem to affect crumpling. 😇💖