What can I do with an ugly painted concrete front porch.

by Drp27359435
Can I glue faux laminate brick down?

  4 answers
  • Darlene Williman Darlene Williman on Oct 23, 2017

    Depends on your budget and the amount of work you want to put into it. Clean it well, let it dry and repaint with a color you like. Or there have been ideas on here on how to stencil it. Maybe paint a rug pattern on it in the middle. As for putting laminate brick down I would think there is special prep that you have to do on it. Best to check on the laminate box to see what they recommend.

  • 27524803 27524803 on Oct 23, 2017

    If you are going to cover it up... why not use something that will last longer than laminate (some kinds do not stand up well to temperature swings, sun or rain. You could put a nice slate tile over it (following the correct preparation and installation procedures.. of course) and then it would last a long time.

    • See 1 previous
    • 27524803 27524803 on Oct 23, 2017

      Depending on your skill level... you can do it yourself.. Home Depot and Lowe's both offer How to lay tile help in the store.. and you can see how on DIY.com or HGTV.com and of course on Youtube.

      Slate was only one suggestion, because it stands up well to weather and naturally has a more non slip surface... go to your local home improvement store and look around... you may find something you like better, that might be easier (for you) to install. You can always hire some one to put it in.... but get references before you hire them... and buy the supplies yourself, so you get the correct stuff and don't pay extra for it.

  • Barb Barb on Oct 23, 2017

    Here’s an amazing paint with texture that will really add charm and curb appeal to your home and it comes in many colors and covers up any blemishes you need to hide📌

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