How can I change this to make it shabby chic?

Vickie H
by Vickie H
I got this idea off Pinterest, I used what I already had, I like the idea but I want it more classy, shabby chic, what should I change, thank you
  8 answers
  • Dfiorin3 Dfiorin3 on Nov 26, 2017

    Change the ribbons to a monochromatic color scheme. Various shades of white, beiges or pale grays.

  • Sch3kids Sch3kids on Nov 26, 2017

    Paint metal in a pastel color and use all white ribbon

  • Jacquie Trundy Jacquie Trundy on Nov 26, 2017

    I would paint all the frames black. Re-do all the pictures in black and white and then hang them all the way you have them but with black velvet strings and only with pictures. I would remove the "love plaque".

  • Wendy Wendy on Nov 27, 2017

    Paint the wrought iron and frames with a chalk paint in a pastel/neutral color and change the ribbons to burlap ribbon!

  • Tammylu Tammylu on Nov 27, 2017

    I mainly agree with Wendy. How about an oyster colored flat paint on frames and iron. Distress a teeny bit with sand paper. Monochromatic shade of ribbons or torn cloth to hang pics. Have fun!

  • Cathy Cathy on Nov 27, 2017

    I think it looks too cluttered. Less is more.. I agree with the suggestions for painting the iron white or a similar neutral colour. Give it a slight distress look. Keep the ribbon simple and only use one but no more than two colours. Burlap. Twine. Rope. Play around with it and see what suits your decor

  • Sharon Sharon on Nov 27, 2017

    I would probably paint the wrought iron piece white, and use all white frames, and get some nice moire, velvet or grosgraine ribbon in white.

    • Vickie H Vickie H on Nov 29, 2017

      Thank you! That's what I was thinking all along but I just used what I had already knowing I was going to change it later on, great minds think alike!

  • Barb Barb on Nov 28, 2017

    I personaly would purchase all the same frames and have them blown up to 8” by 10” or 22” and arranging then over a console table or chest, so your wall is a focal point . Here’s a few picture ideas that may be of some help📌🎄