What should I do with all my prescription bottles?

I am on several prescription medications. Each month I get new bottles, I end up throwing the old ones into the trash.
I was saving them for an organization that was giving them to people in another country for medical and various other items. I recently learned that they are not accepting them.
I've ran out of ideas and uses for these. What should I be doing with them instead of putting them into the trash?

  7 answers
  • Con6585625 Con6585625 on Nov 27, 2017

    I put mine into a bag and then into the recycling bin picked up by the city. If no recycling in your area, there are other recycling areas/bin throughout.

  • Mary Mary on Nov 27, 2017

    we take ours to a clinic for homeless/needy people - the pharmacy there gladly re-uses them.

  • Grandypink Grandypink on Nov 27, 2017

    If you rub a bit of oil over the label and wait a little while, the label will peel right off. Found this out by accident but I do it all the time now before I recycle the bottles.

  • Kathy Kathy on Nov 27, 2017

    Recycle them if it's available in your area

  • Vicki Vicki on Nov 27, 2017

    Please recycle versus trash the bottles. Other things you can do, depending on sizes: 1. Fill with small 1st Aid kit.Bandaids, small package (single use) , tweezers,etc.

    2. Emergency sewing kit. 2 needles each threaded, one dark, other white. Also include a couple of buttons, tiny scissors. One a thin card board, wrap lengths of extra threads.

    3. Super glue small rock on the lid. Hide a key in bottle and stash in a flower bed or planter. Be sure the lid is similar to the rocks used in the landscape.

    4. Need more ideas? 🤔

  • Vicki Vicki on Nov 27, 2017

    Oops!! Small single use ointments or antispectic!!

  • We go through tons of meds and have tons of empties. My daughter found a recycler that accepts them.