Need an idea for backsplash to make it eye catching

Kind of Tuscan inspired kitchen, black granite and other picture is the floors. Previous owner did some weird paint job for backsplash . Can you also include a pic of your suggestion material
Travertine floors
  7 answers
  • Ken Ken on Dec 06, 2017

    I don't have a suggestion for the material, just a comment.

    I have seen a lot of small kitchens lately with eye-catching backsplashes. It is possible to try too hard and do so much in a small space that it becomes unsettling. Everything in the space is fighting for your attention. With the beautiful materials you have chosen for your kitchen, my choice would be for a backsplash that does not vie for attention with everything else.

  • Dianacirce70 Dianacirce70 on Dec 06, 2017

    I think a nice glass tile that is mostly neutral with some small splashes of color would look great.

  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Dec 06, 2017

    So much available at Lowe's or Home Depot. Kitchen looks beautiful and it would certainly add to the beauty!

  • Dorothy Dorothy on Dec 06, 2017

    I bought my house two years ago and have always wanted a "beachy" theme. I wanted specific colors and wood; reclaimed wood or driftwood. The kitchen was pretty plain, but having just bought the place, my budget was pretty tight.

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  • Ken Ken on Dec 06, 2017

    Well said. It's about balance and considering how each design element works within the whole. A backsplash which attracts no attention could be thought of as sacrificing for the greater good.

  • Julie Nelson Julie Nelson on Dec 07, 2017

    I used a copper colored paint so the backsplash didn't clash with the countertop