What can I do with these??

I found these cute vintage little windows and I know they can turn into something... But need your help. Any suggestions?
  26 answers
  • Amanda Amanda on Dec 12, 2017

    Hi Vivian. You could make them into side tables. They are beautiful!

  • Peg Peg on Dec 12, 2017

    They would make cute end tables.

  • Ken Ken on Dec 12, 2017

    Can't get a good feel for their size but if suitable I'd want to put a wood frame around them and use as kitchen cabinet accent doors.

    • A A on Dec 13, 2017

      I agree, if the size is good, these would make excellent cabinet doors for a beverage center. A place for glassware, etc.

  • Ann Cherkas Halstead Ann Cherkas Halstead on Dec 12, 2017

    Use glass paint and make stained glass with them

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Dec 12, 2017

    I would find some outline pictures online of various flowers and use glass paint and possible faux lead to dress them up. They are so beautiful as they are though, you'd want to have a special place for them if you do decide to paint them. You'd really want them to show. I have a painted glass flower that is framed and once belonged to my dear mother-in-law. When she passed, it was given to me by the family. I hung it over my kitchen window with the light coming through and it looks wonderful. It always reminds me of her. This was my second "in-law" family and they weren't very excited when their son married me. I was a divorcee and had kids. He'd never been married. I felt so grateful when they gave me this - if finally felt like part of "their" family. :) It's now 22 years later. Wishing you the best.

  • Kay Kay on Dec 12, 2017

    Hi Vivian, I saw some Home Talk Post's, recently, on using small to medium windows. You will need to goe back through them @ have a look. I don't think they were in this one, but recent one's. One Home Talker made end tables I think, another used them with photo's? You will need to scroll through them, till you come to the relevant post's. Sorry I can't be more specific re garding the post's. Idears. I would decorate them with Christmas prints, and Christmas decarations @ hang them in the window, on the front porche or back veranda. I think they would look stunning for Christmas! Another idear, make @ photo gallery, place the photos from behind. You can paint window frames, to freshen them up. Chalk Paint @ Unicorn Spit, is popular with a lot of Home Talkers. I would love to see what you make with them. Maybe you could post them when you are finmished. Kay Adelaide Australia

  • Sallie Wolff Sallie Wolff on Dec 12, 2017

    You could get stain glass paint and apply for a beautiful sun catcher. Put a design on the underside so you can trace outline on the other side with "Lead" black line strips they sell along with the paints then fill in the colors you wish.

  • 62q10370829 62q10370829 on Dec 13, 2017

    Put family pictures behind them & hang up. Or the stain glass design. Good luck.

  • Tamara Tamara on Dec 13, 2017

    The other ideas already posted are good. I really like the family photo frame idea and had thought of that as well. Another idea is to add a same size mirror and attach them together like an open ended box to make a cool looking floor lamp out of them. The mirror would directionally reflect the light making whatever watt bulb you use much brighter.

  • Kaye Kaye on Dec 13, 2017

    Hi, they are just beautiful! Before I did anything I would hang them in a light frame in your bigger windows to see if they refract light. You may like them just as they are. If not, I suggest a simple three window cabinet.

  • Jane Jane on Dec 13, 2017

    put multiple family/friends pictures behind maybe .

  • Infoseekrs Infoseekrs on Dec 13, 2017


  • Blz31527214 Blz31527214 on Dec 15, 2017

    They look to me like they are the size of a throw pillow, I think that's what they're leaning against. First of all... I WANT THEM.. LOL, 2nd if there's only 3, I'd make a triangle type thing and find a way to attach them to stand up. Put a bottom in made of whatever, even cardboard, then put one of those fake candles in the middle. The ones that use batteries. Can't think of the right name for them.

  • Loretta Korth Loretta Korth on Dec 15, 2017

    Since you have three I would attach them in a trianglue and place either a candle or three in the middle . You could get a nice piece of wood for a base and attach a light socket and use either a Edison or a nice ( wick shaped ) bulb in it , the light shining threw the lead glass would make a beautiful light source!

  • Tami Stone Tami Stone on Dec 15, 2017

    Put family tree type pictures against the glass and a glue hanging picture thingy at the top. Then scatter them around other stuff on your wall. Could even use glass paint to fill in any spaces.

  • Alicia W Alicia W on Dec 15, 2017

    I would embrace their beauty and hang them in a window. They are gorgeous. I might have to fight Blzj555 for them lol

  • Cindi Sandberg Cindi Sandberg on Dec 15, 2017

    I would have frames made for them n hang them just the way they are in a window/s...There beautiful vintage panes n deserve to stay that way...js

  • JAMES A ROLLI JAMES A ROLLI on Dec 16, 2017


  • Catherine Catherine on Dec 21, 2017

    Send them to me and then l will decide what to do with them!  They are beautiful. I first thought of painting but then in looking at them again, I am not sure. Cabinet doors or hang them as a sun screen on a porch?

  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Dec 21, 2017

    They are beautiful. May be make a feature of them by putting some pressed flowers stuck on the back of the glass, then make or get some professionals to make a frame for them.

    Could also get a glazier to fix a mirror behind the glass.

  • Snapoutofit Snapoutofit on Dec 21, 2017

    Send them to me!!! :-)

  • Mebefree Mebefree on Dec 21, 2017

    They do look relatively small as one person commented, possibly throw pillow size.

    get hinges and create a tri-fold picture frame of them and use them for yourself or, as a gift.

    i usually give a beautiful picture frame as a wedding gift, since after a wedding, they need frames for their wedding pictures.

    They are beautiful.

    I would love to see what you come up with also.

  • Barb Barb on Dec 24, 2017

    I personally would of hung them for Christmas on a wall and added a wreath to each.

  • Mcgypsy9 Mcgypsy9 on Apr 20, 2018

    Well I don’t know if you’ve done anything with these yet but I would add hooks to the tops even if you had to have them welded on and run chains up to the ceiling and hang them as a divider between rooms. Or, add a wood frame and run chains from that. They are too gorgeous to hide. If you did do anything with them, can you share what you did? Thanks!

  • Laura Conley Laura Conley on Dec 06, 2019

    They would be beautiful with some lettering like Merry Christmas or let's stay home etc. Chalk Couture makes beautiful designs that would look amazing! Simply to use but beautiful! I used their truck transfer on this vintage window. Your windows are lovely!!!

    comment photo
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Apr 03, 2021


    Make a timber frame and hang them in the house or garden. You could colour the glass with Glass paint or nail varnish or add foil or draw on with sharpies. Make a table and use as top, Use as 3 sides of a square lantern. Have fun!