Asked on Dec 15, 2017

Only one garland for mantle

by Jenilynnecook
I’ve got a great garland ready to decorate, but I want to have it drape on my mantle and hang down each side and it isn’t long enough......I can’t find another garland to match so what do I do?? Should I cut another garland in half even though it isn’t the same kind???? Help! Please-it’s making me stagnate & I can’t get anything else decorated!!!!!
This one doesn’t have any candied apples.....
This is my favorite gar that I want to really show with beautiful candied apples and sugared berries etc.
This is my fireplace-please note I need something above the mantle too!?!?! The is one tiny little nail in the middle - but it’s dark and I don’t have a wreath that’s big enough with lights? Help?!?
  22 answers
  • Dfm Dfm on Dec 16, 2017

    you have a very pretty garland. Just center it and let it be. Use battery operated candles on the ends. I have several smaller trees..I nestle them in to the garland and then add Chris Mouse- a ceramic figurine. Wait until later, when Christmas Decor goes on sale to get an artificial wreath.

  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Dec 16, 2017

    If it will not unravel, cut it into 3 pieces (more if needed). Add big bows, silk poinsettia (white, gold, red...whatever your color choice) and accents in the middle of the gaps. You can buy plain greenery to fill in around candle holders, etc. Then carry the color scheme along the original garland.

  • Jan218632 Jan218632 on Dec 16, 2017

    I agree, let the garland be. Just center it and it’ll look beautiful. You can eaaily make a wreath with a plain one to start. Add a few colorful ornaments or pointsettias, or anything you like. Glue gun them. Then add battery operated lights or electric that can connect to the strand in the garland. You can put lots of different things on the mantle to make it full. You can also put artificial poinsettias in the garland. Just push them In here and there.

  • Cindy Hagemann Cindy Hagemann on Dec 16, 2017

    You can mix garlands together easily - since in nature they are not always the same kind. It is easy to cut them and put them together by twisting the wires together. Another idea is to go outside and cut some fresh evergreen and use it with the artificial - it works well together too! Look at photos on Pinterest and get some inspiration. There are no rules in your own home - do what you like.

  • Cheryl Dougherty Foley Cheryl Dougherty Foley on Dec 16, 2017

    Get another garland or two, add to each end of existing one. Just twist them together. Then add fresh greenery, pine cones, lights, really anything you find beautiful. I like putting stars throughout.

  • Leslie Leslie on Dec 16, 2017

    If you want something to dangle down the sides, add some ribbon and strings of bells.

    • CJ CJ on Dec 16, 2017

      I used a beaded wire garland entwined with the greenery garland that was long enough to hang down and over each end. I love it!

  • DeeDee DeeDee on Dec 16, 2017

    Maybe cut in half and add something in the middle to add to your length so you have some to hang down. Here's my mantle this year:

  • Jenilynnecook Jenilynnecook on Dec 16, 2017


  • Jenilynnecook Jenilynnecook on Dec 16, 2017


  • Nicole Nicole on Dec 16, 2017


  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Dec 16, 2017

    If you have anything to decorate the mantle with, you could split the garland with the candied apples, etc. and have that hang down the sides and use the plain one on the mantel. You can decorate the mantle with other Christmas decorations, candles, ornaments, etc. That will allow everyone to see the garland with the candied apples without having to try to see it up on top of the mantle.

  • Joycekozachenko Joycekozachenko on Dec 16, 2017

    add long bows on ends and white light

  • Chere Chere on Dec 17, 2017

    Use this as your center focal point garland , add and enter twine either 1 long or two with that garland ... just do a coordinating decor on the side garlands .. by entertwing garlands the look is carried through but you don’t need to entertwine they can be similar

    and really look great ...don’t cut up the one you love it’s your focal point on the mantle .

    you’ll do great no matter your choices and once decorated .

  • Jud5287888 Jud5287888 on Dec 31, 2017

    If your going to decorate the mantel, you want it to make a statement. Neither one of the garlands look particularly hefty, I would wrap them around each other and use both...centered. Adding in natural branches here and there, as well as candle holders and small artificial trees for height. Maybe a few larger ornaments scattered in as well.

    As for the center, you don't HAVE to use a wreath. How about a window frame, a winter scene piece of art, an old clock???

    I find the best thing to do is look at pictures for inspiration, but ultimately, just play with stuff til it is pleasing to YOU. There is no right or wrong way, or requirements that have to be followed...follow your heart!

  • Cynthia Whitney Cynthia Whitney on Dec 31, 2017

    I have green and white garlands that I kind of tuck together. I've tried twisting them but tucking works better. Both are lighted--one in white and the other multi-colored. Then I tuck poinsettia sprays and a couple of birds into them, add a set of candles on one end and a white squirrel that I found at Big Lots the other day on the other end. I tuck a lot of multi-colored balls into the garlands (old ones that I don't mind losing if they fall into the hearth). A couple of stockings (off to the sides as this is a working fireplace used to heat the house) are hung and this year some specific ornaments in memory of family members lost this year. And there you have it. Usually I hang a wreath above the mantle but this year I put up a sunrise picture I took in Guatemala a year or so ago. This won't help you this year but . . . in the future? Super easy and it took about 15 minutes which is a huge plus in my world.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jan 24, 2018

    I would really like to know what you ended up doing to extend your garland. I’m sure other people have the same problem, and there is always next year. Please post if you took pictures! ☺️

  • Nita Dyer Roush Nita Dyer Roush on Mar 03, 2018

    I have th same problem so I use the one I love in the middle and plain ones in each end to hang down. I use white lights in the whole thing and strong ribbon through the whole thing and big boss at the corners. I always get compliments.

  • Holly Lengner - Lost Mom Holly Lengner - Lost Mom on Feb 13, 2022

    You can always use long ribbons at each end of the garland and have the ribbons hang low.

  • You can layer more than one wreath to give it a fuller effect

  • I’d get another that I liked, cut either in half and connect them with one of them whole in the center.

  • Deb K Deb K 4 days ago

    Hi Jennylynncook, there is no law that says the garland must be identical, You can use another piece that is close looking, nobody but you will notice trust me ☺️