Directions to make the ladder with shelves

  6 answers
  • DesertRose DesertRose on Dec 26, 2017

    You need a step ladder with steps on both sides that hinges in the middle, then just put the boards of your choice through the steps on each level. If you have a step ladder that only has steps on one side, use 2 screws (2 per one end of the step added making 4 in all for each board added) long enough to put steps on the needed side to match a step on the other side.

    • Frances Woodhamwallace Frances Woodhamwallace on Dec 27, 2017

      i saw one on Hometalker’i. It wasn’t a premise one. It had hinges at the top! It was rustic but not battered looking! It had a nicer look than just adding shelves to a premade one! dont Know why I didn’t save it! But thank you for you suggestion!

  • Sandra Allen Sandra Allen on Dec 26, 2017

    I think you mean making shelves with ladder. If you do, this is a link to the Hometalk folks and their projects.

  • Peg Peg on Dec 26, 2017

  • Frances Woodhamwallace Frances Woodhamwallace on Dec 26, 2017

    The one I was trying to find again had gate hinges at the top and was made from 2 x4s. You made the ladder first. Then where the steps were the was ply board cut to make the shelves. Getting shorter as the fit into their space.

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Dec 27, 2017

    You are most welcome!