Pulmeria plants question

Penne Johnson
by Penne Johnson
I have 5 Pulmeria plants on my patio in good size pots. /right ones for
their size. they are all pretty stable. Question????
Last year when it rained, we got alot, and they got too wet, Don't think
pots drain as well as the soil when planted directly into the ground.
What is the best way to dry them out. I know they don't like their feet wet.
I live in Camarillo Calif. so our year round weather is 70's with a few days
in the high 90's. I thought of putting the pots on something that elevates
the bottom somewhat so more air can get to them Would this help or
do the trick.
Thanks Penne

  4 answers
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jan 09, 2018

    It wouldn't hurt to elevate them off the ground, they may drain a little better and quicker. Perhaps you could put some additional drain holes if you need more drainage. Some pots don't have big enough holes. If they have to saucer attached to them, remove them, as they help keep more water in them when they are too wet. If you know you are going to get a lot of rain, perhaps you could put a patio umbrella or something over them so that they don't get so much water.

    • Penne Johnson Penne Johnson on Jan 09, 2018

      Yeh Nancy I thought about that this afternoon when it rained after

      raining yesterday afternoon stopping starting again during the night and continued until after 3 today. I'll definitely tip them a bit to drain

      them Actually I plan on removing all the trays that are under my plants. We hadn't had rain for many many months since last year

      actually and so I usually leave the trays on so the plants don't dry out too fast, but don't have them on the pulmerias. Thanks as usual you are a good go to person.

  • Jan Clark Jan Clark on Jan 09, 2018

    Actually, Penne, if your pots are outside, they NEED to be elevated. Plumeria are tropical and love high humidity. In north Texas, we have to bring our in during the cold months, but during warm ones, they stay in their pots and are elevated in a hydration dish (a pan about 4" larger than the pot with about an inch of water in it -- well below the elevated pot) to keep them hydrated and happy. Ours are potted in an orchid mix so that the rain/water pretty much washes through the entire pot and drains out the holes - no real soil to hold that extra moisture. When you repot, you might want to use something like that. For now, elevate and let their roots dry out pretty well, but spray a mist of water on their leaves in the morning. That should keep them happy!

    • Penne Johnson Penne Johnson on Jan 09, 2018

      Thanks Jan. We are so dry here and have been for so long, that I usually don't worry about too much water. I usually just sprinkle over them when I water, and never let water puddle in the pot when I do. Usually every two weeks I give them a bit more water, but am so aware that they don't like to sit in water with their roots that I am

      really careful. They have done so well this year just wish I had put

      plastic over them, but didn't know the rain would be so much.

      Thanks for your advise.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jan 09, 2018

    You are very welcome, I love playing in dirt, so plants are something I am fooling around with all the time. We had some really wet periods last year and I removed all the trays off my pots so they would drain better. I am glad I could help you! I hope you aren't around where they are getting all the mudslides. You are getting the rain, tomorrow we start with rain and convert to snow and right now they are saying we could get from to fourteen inches depending on how much more the system you are in dips south. At least we have been above zero for a few days.

    • Penne Johnson Penne Johnson on Jan 10, 2018

      Oh man My son lives in Montana and I could never survive in that cold weather. Was raised in Colorado and I still shiver thinking of how cold I always was. LOL Hope you don't have tooooooo cold of temps where you are. It is still very wet here and hoping the sun will dry things out quickly. Don't think today is going to be warm enough to do that tho. Only in the 60's. I'm sure your smiling at that temp.

      Thanks again, will be removing all the trays today and turning' my Pulmeria plants at an angle to drain hopefully fast today.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jan 10, 2018

    Here in Minnesota, right now we are having a heat wave up to the upper thirties, but will be back down to highs in the lower single digits within two days. I have lived in both Galveston, TX and Naples, FL and loved the warm weather in the winter. Never went heavier than a fall jacket after Minnesota winter. People thought we were nuts! Your last big rain will start reaching us tonight, depending on how far south it moves we could get anywhere from three to fourteen inches of snow and icy rain before that. Typical for us though. Right now a sweatshirt or sweater jacket is enough. Back to the parka in a couple of days! Enjoy your warmth!