Shavings in soil?

by Lisa
Every day I clean up the coop after 12 chickens. Not dirty compared to deep litter method, but night poops come out with probably an equal amount of wood shavings, maybe half a small whellbarrow twice a week. Because my Awesome Husband freaks a little each time I ask him where to start a compost pile, I've just been dumping shavings and chicken poop directly in garden. Have I made a mistake putting wood shavings into garden soil? I do not know if he will plant this year or what year, as gardening is not my thang.

  2 answers
  • Gale Allen Jenness Gale Allen Jenness on Feb 12, 2018

    You do need to be careful with too many wood chips cause it keeps oxygen from getting down into the soil. I learned the hard way killing my plants thinking I could use wood chips from my shaper for bark dust! Big no no! If your putting it on heavy at all I would be sure to plow it up good before doing any planting! Also watch out for mold growing when using larger amounts of fresh chicken poop.

    Mid your going to compost I would recommend keeping compost separate from your garden until compost is ready to be added the next year or so! You can shred up non shinny paper to add with your chicken poop as well as non shinny cardboard, leaves which I prefer If you got plenty? Biggest thing is your compost should never stink badly! If it starts to stink your not adding enough of the leaves, cardboard, or paper to your poop ratio. Also toss in any vegetable scrapes too if you like!

    If your wanting to add compost directly to your gardens, I would highly recommend looking at the key hole design raisedbeds. You can find them on YouTube! Their designed in the shape of a key hole with the center a round circle left empty where you add your compost to in the middle of your raised bed that decomposes into your garden as it seeps to feed your plants! I just fell in love with this design myself and plan on making these beds myself this year! But I also compost in bends that rotate where you can spin them to mix your compost easier! You can make your own from barrels and plumbing pipes or you can buy them already made. Costco has some on their website you can take a look at. Although I can’t recommend Costco compost system cause the one I bought I have troubles with the doors staying shut when I turn my barrels and the barrels also started spreading where the straps go around the barrels that I had to take a pipe clamp and squeeze it back into place. With some tinkering they’ll work Ok, but I don’t like having to work on something that should be right the first time when I buy it! You shouldn’t have to Mickey Mouse something you buy! If you do much compostInc you’ll want several of these compost bends being it does take a lot of time for the compost to decompose where it’s ready for your garden! You can do it directly on the ground too, but it’s harder to move it around and mix it or flip it every couple weeks or so to properly decompose correctl. Again YouTube has terrific videos on composting too!! Good luck

  • Ken Ken on Feb 12, 2018

    If you are using it for chicken bedding it should be okay for the garden. But do not skip the composting step. You should not plant anything for at least the first year in the chicken waste. Your compost heap will be fine at the corner of the garden. Turn it over with a spading fork or shovel a couple of times during the year. Distribute it over the garden when you stop seeing anything that looks like what you originally put in there and it does not smell like chicken waste anymore. Be sure to add dry leaves to the mix whenever you have some.