I need advice on front step appeal

Joanne Salese
by Joanne Salese
  6 answers
  • Tinyshoes Tinyshoes on Mar 17, 2018

    What is your questions? Your flowers are absolutely beautiful!

  • Joanne lueke Joanne lueke on Mar 17, 2018

    I agree with Tinyshoes. Don't turn your entryway into a gauntlet unless you are only expecting skinny single visitors with no small children in tow to visit. Your flowers are beautiful and tastefully placed. If the rest of your front yard is as well done as your entryway you have curb appeal anyone would envy.

  • Von Von on Mar 18, 2018

    You have a beautiful assortment of flowers.If the bench is OK. Try to expose it and maybe use two planters on either side. Just a suggestion. I have a similar bench and I just changed the way my flowers view to the side. It looks good.

  • Carole Snyder Carole Snyder on Mar 18, 2018

    I think it's hard to tell from the picture. Are those flowers on your bench? It's also hard to tell how much space you have to work with and what your style is. Maybe one plant on the bench exposing part of it, one on another level...the ground if that would work or higher with a plant stand if there is room. Perhaps a lantern on one side.

  • Barb Barb on Mar 18, 2018

    Please add another picture of the whole front porch, to get advise of curb appeal 🌺

  • Cherie Cann Rickert Cherie Cann Rickert on Mar 18, 2018

    Your concrete bench is lovely. Here is what I have on mine in our perennial garden. I have gotten into finding bird cages and planting in them. This is early on in the season and by August the flowers have snuck out of the cage and are flowing over.

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