How is the best to get the grime off of second story gutters?

by Vicki
I have a very high second story gutter on the back of my house I would like to clean it some how. I don't think it has ever been cleaned since the house was built. (I am the third owner) I tried a power washer but it didn't seem to get much of it off. Any thoughts? Should I add something to the water to act like a scrubbing agent? I am willing to try anything.

  5 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Mar 20, 2018

    Power washer......

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 20, 2018

    home depot and Lowe’s has cleaners you can connect to your hose!

  • AmAtHome AmAtHome on Mar 20, 2018

    Here's a link to products that are designed to clean gutters, siding, etc. Some can be attached to a hose.

  • Mro14063724 Mro14063724 on Mar 20, 2018

    I first spray it with water, then take this mixture by mix this into a gallon bucket. 1 gallon water, 1/2 gallon bleach, 1 cup of spicnspin, 1 cup liquid tide detergent, mix well then put,it into a sprayer, the one that you pump up, then spray. After you wet the gutter with water first, then spray the mixer on the gutter let it there about 1 minute, then spray it with water to rinse it off. Use a short section at a time. You might need to do it again, it depend on how dirty it is.

    It is great if you have a power washer to use it at the final rinse.

    I hope this help you. I use this on my siding, and almost everything that is out side. Just be careful with how much pressure on the powerwasher.

  • Wendy Wendy on Mar 21, 2018

    Good luck and let us know how it goes!