Looking for master bathroom ideas

by Two22527173
  4 answers
  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Mar 29, 2018

    We have a large bathroom, but 20% of it is a spa tub and a big window ledge—2’ wide. Back problems keep me from using the tub. But I can step in and out and I am doing a whole bunch of seeds and things to use the ledge. I would not recommend a spa tub unless you know you can use it.

    We have a toilet room with saloon doors. If one of your family is very wide or claustrophobic, make sure your toilet room is wide enough.

    One thing I love is, hubby and I each have a vanity and huge mirror. A lot of people are taking their huge mirrors out and hanging smaller mirrors. But with our mirrors facing each other, I have a 360* view of myself. Also, I can decorate my vanity my way, and his in a different way. And we each have our own sink.

    We do have that long strip of big lights over each mirror. We almost never turn them on, using the overhead spotlight night and day. I recommend several lighting options so that you are comfortable bathing, shaving, doing makeup, whatever. I wish I had a magnifying mirror that folds out from the wall. We each have an electrical outlet, but I wish there were another one.

    We have a wide walk-in shower with the brass/gold trim. It would need a frameless door to be modern. Even though it is over 4’ wide, we had an 8’ wide glass shower on vacation. I would like to have that width, with a built in bench and two shower heads, so that my shorter shower head could be the rain type. Hubby prefers a higher shower head that streams hard. Our bathroom is at the opposite side of the house, and hot water is slow getting to the sinks and shower. An extra, small hot water heater might be a good investment.

    We have a double walk-in closet that actually holds all of our clothes. The built in shelf would be better if another layer of shelves were built above it. Some things will stack to the ceiling, like shoeboxes, but hats, soft sided bags, and other odd-shaped items can’t be stacked as easily, but could be stored nearer the ceiling and the space would not be wasted.

    No popcorn ceilings or carpet in the bathroom. We have laminate flooring that looks like sandy rock, and has a slight texture so the floor dries quickly and is not slippery.

    The entry to the bathroom has bifold doors and no lock. With grandchildren visiting often, we need an actual lock or latch on the doors. Please!

    So, I’ve given you a tour of our master bath and the changes I would make. Maybe you will get some ideas to include in yours. Best wishes ☺️ (Below is a pic of our vacation shower. The chair was for me.)

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  • AmAtHome AmAtHome on Mar 30, 2018

    Are you planning to renovate it, or more just redecorate it?