Carpet or Laminate with area rugs; updating suggestions?

Betsy Jennings
by Betsy Jennings
I am getting ready to pull up and replace e old rugs. Not sure if I should put rugs back down or laminate with area rugs. The kitchen floor is honey oak, same as cabinets. The DR/LR and kitchen flow together. I will update the paint once I pick my flooring. Would love to paint cabinets, however I plan to sell in 4 years. Any suggestions on updating cabinets?

Kitchen and dining room separated by bar
Kitchen floor
Dining room/kitchen old Berber carpet
Living room
  10 answers
  • 2dogal 2dogal on Mar 31, 2018

    Laminate will be much cleaner in four years, so I'd go with that. As far as the kitchen cabinets, I'd leave them alone as your buyers will want to do what they want with the kitchen.

    • Betsy Jennings Betsy Jennings on Mar 31, 2018

      The kitchen will be 20 years old by the time I maybe the new buyer would want to eip out and redo completely.

  • Holly Kinchlea-Brown Holly Kinchlea-Brown on Mar 31, 2018

    I would do a laminate flooring in the dining room and living room...something that is complimentary to the kitchen and have the flooring go right up to the bar. I understand why you would not want to paint the cupboards if you are going to sell, but 4 years is a long time, wouldn’t it be nice to have the kitchen the way you want it for that time? at the least, you could think about updating the island (maybe paint or add trim and paint to make a shaker style).

    • Betsy Jennings Betsy Jennings on Mar 31, 2018

      I was thinking about painting the island to start. It's just a skin kinda of like paneling. Maybe I can find someone to help me with the cabinets

  • I would put down new carpeting because I like the warmth and softness of it underfoot. Laminate flooring would look cheap butted up to your oak hardwood floor. Paint your cabinets white to brighten up the area

    • Betsy Jennings Betsy Jennings on Mar 31, 2018

      Would love to paint the cabinets.  I am afraid that I would ruin them. I am a single mom on a limited income. Need to be very careful

  • Annie Annie on Mar 31, 2018

    Are you saying there’s carpet in the kitchen? If so, I’d put down the laminate. You don’t have to pull all the carpet, just have it cut at the kitchen entry and put down a transition strip. As for the cabinets, I’d give them a good cleaning, update the hardware, touch up any worn spots.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Mar 31, 2018

    Keep the flooring all uniform ,Use the vinyl planking or Laminate through out

  • Annie Annie on Mar 31, 2018

    Ignore this answer! I responded to your question without photos. Could you afford hardwood throughout, matching the kitchen? It’s a big plus when selling.

    • Betsy Jennings Betsy Jennings on Mar 31, 2018

      I am fairly sure that I cannot afford to put hardwood in the DR or LR. So I need the next best thing.

  • Geew Geew on Mar 31, 2018

    DIY ARTICLE QUOTE: Would you believe me if I told you this floor was laid for around $1 per square metre? One Dollar people! And it looks fantastic! It's DIY. It's easy and its the cheapest darn floor you'll ever get looking this good... I found this project over at Design Dazzle and it's really quite genius. It's made from ply sheeting!

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  • Eroque022810 Eroque022810 on Apr 01, 2018

    I can add that you can have laminate and have original wood floors stripped and stained to match laminate so that solves the notion that it might look cheap. As for cabinets,I wouldn't paint them unless they were trashed which yours appear to be in great shape. Add modern pulls or knobs. But as a home owner I can say without a doubt that I personally hate carpet and a four year old one still would cause me to ask you for something towards new flooring. If you can do it last then I would say paint first in a basic neutral tone throughout the house which is expensive. Then have carpet cleaned before you sell if it's in good shape. That way if the person asks you for something towards updating floors it won't cost as much as new floors. But have professionals do it now so you can assess the carpet. Then again when you are to sell if they are as stated previously. If not just deduct what you feel is a fair amount from the asking price and have that noted in the pamphlet your agent will have for future buyer. Thing is,you won't get that money back,so why spend it? You address the issue and you state your share upfront. No haggling. Mostly people want a clean house with good bones. Take care if any structural issues and curb appeal. Declutter so that once you paint you have the picture holes all filled in and do as little hanging up as possible and keep extra paint for a touch up. So put as little money in to get the biggest bang. When you go look what's important to you and what is a deal breaker and figure that people will look at your house in the same way. Also do not store stuff that you have packed or removed from the home to make it look spacious, in garage. That has to be the biggest mistake people make. It's a red flag that your home is too small so if you must store things either rent a storage space or ask a family / friend if they can help out for a while or if you are down sizing sell or donate. Now is such a great time for you to start getting those things in order since you don't want to damage a freshly painted wall.

  • Ginny Ginny on Apr 01, 2018

    Just purchased Armstrong vinyl oak sheet laminate but saleswoman did not tell me all the things you cannot do on it. Mine is a good product and was not cheap but would buy it again.

    - nothing on casters

    - no direct sunshine for long periods; will fade floor

    - must clean with certain cleaners

    - should use pads under furniture feet to protect scratching/marring

    - and on and on.

    I love the floor but ask, ask, ask questions before you invest in the laminate. Like my floor very much, but you need to do a log of investigating before you jump into purchasing laminate floors.

  • Marion Nesbitt Marion Nesbitt on Apr 02, 2018

    Do the same flooring as you have. It looks like hardwood which will add more value than laminate.