Need design help with my stairs

by Margaret
My stairway is too plain. Any budget conscience ideas is welcome.
  14 answers
  • Ann Ann on Apr 05, 2018

    I would paint the risers ( the vertical parts) to match the walls. Then for a pop of color, an inexpensive runner can be tacked down easily. It gives a rich look to an otherwise plain staircase. You could also stencil a design with colorful paint.

  • Ken Ken on Apr 05, 2018

    Pinterest is THE place to look for design and decorating ideas:[]=decorate%20a%20plain%20staircase%7Ctyped

  • Ro Ro on Apr 05, 2018

    how about painting and stenciling the risers?

  • Jennifer Jennifer on Apr 05, 2018

    I love the way a dark stain against white risers look.

    • Ana Santiago Ana Santiago on Apr 05, 2018

      Also alternate the steps with two different but adyasend colors of wood stain. This is what I do with mine and is more easy for me to differentiated the steps when I use it. Also is more easy to clean the steps and re paint it.

  • Gk Gk on Apr 05, 2018

    I think adding a different color to your walls--darker than the white trim--will make a huge difference. Your stairs are such a pretty honey color--I would hate to paint them--even though I do like painted stairs!

  • Janet Janet on Apr 05, 2018

    Maybe refinish them but don't put anything like baskets on them steps should be free of items so they aren't a hazard

  • Emmen Emmen on Apr 05, 2018

    I agree paint your riser white. A dark stained run would look nice but I’m betting your wood stairs match your floors so in that case leave the run or they will become an eyesore. I think if maybe you painted the wall a white that has a hint of colour in it would be nice so it’s a super pale whatever colour you like (any colour in the top row on a light paint swatch [I’ll post a link to an idea for you]) then add some artwork, family photos (thinner crisp white frames will help bring out the subtle colour in the wall), or a nice wall decal like the ones on Wayfair would be really nice.

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  • Cristine Schwartzberg Cristine Schwartzberg on Apr 09, 2018

    i pinned an idea for ombré stairs that mixes my wall color with white paint so that each stair is a lighter shade of blue. My walls are blue. I also pinned an idea of faux painting the risers like book spines. The ombré stairs are more budget friendly

  • Gem Gem on Apr 10, 2018

    Hi Margaret

    I was in the same predicament as you and loved patterned risers but couldn't really justify the cost of material etc. so I used giftwrap. My tutorial is here if you want to have a look:

    It has been done a few weeks and shows no signs of wear

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Apr 10, 2018

    A pattern runner to pick up the colors from your décor. And Use the wall as a gallery as a place to hang either blown up photographs framed alike or art you pick up from thrift stores. I had all the beautiful needlework my mother made, framed alike and hung going up the stirs.

  • Alice Alice on Apr 12, 2018

    If you want something temporary to try before you do something drastic and probably permanent like staining, you could put tile stickers on the risers. An inexpensive trial that can be easily removed if you don’t like it or just get tired of it. Amazon has lots of different kinds. I think the wood is too pretty to do anything permanent like stain or even paint.

  • Christel Christel on Apr 14, 2018

    i love to see designs painted on the vertical face of the stairway. Very attractive and catches the eye.