What is the best way to take a light bulb out that is broken at base?

by Rmd28857690
Trying to take broken bulb out of a ceiling fan fixture that is broken off at base

  12 answers
  • Lil Lil on Apr 07, 2018

    Cut a potato in half. Use it to screw out the base. Works for me all the time

  • Han11807599 Han11807599 on Apr 07, 2018

    Making sure the power is off, try using a pair of needle-nose pliers. Or, as odd as it sounds, I've heard of cutting a potato in half, (also with power off), & gently but firmly push it into the socket & turn in the proper direction, the potato will grab onto the base of the bulb & help to losen it.

  • Cut a potato in half, shove the cut side into the broken glass, should be able to twist out easily.

  • Elaine Johnson Elaine Johnson on Apr 07, 2018

    Potato , cut it in half ,push it on the broke piece and twist .i Tried It Once And It really Worked .

  • Teresa Teresa on Apr 07, 2018

    Whittle down a raw potato to fit the base area and push into the base. You can safely twist the bulb ,loose.

  • Suanne Suanne on Apr 07, 2018

    1st make sure power is off If the potato is too large you can try using a pair of “needle-nosed” pliers to catch the side of the metal. If the pliers are still too big - you can try using tweezers.

  • Linda Sikut Linda Sikut on Apr 07, 2018

    Hi Rmdonovan1114,

    I was also going to recommend a potato or needle-nose pliers. It looks like the potato is the WINNER! :) Wishing you the best.

  • Bets Bets on Apr 07, 2018

    I have heard that if you take a raw potato and push it into the socket to the base ,then unscrew it out , you may be able to get it out that way. I Have Not had to try it myself yet.

  • Alice Alice on Apr 08, 2018

    Use gloves, eye protection and a pair of pliers to break away any remaining glass. Cut the potato in half, firmly press it against the socket and begin twisting counter-clockwise. The potato should grip the base of the bulb and turn it while the socket remains still.

    comment photo
  • Ro Ro on Apr 08, 2018

    Use a cut potatoe, turn off the power and wear gloves

  • Ros30656636 Ros30656636 on Apr 08, 2018

    Turn off power. Use gloves, eye protection and a pair of pliers to break away any remaining glass. Cut a small potato in half, firmly press it against the socket and begin twisting counter-clockwise. The potato should grip the base of the bulb and turn it while the socket remains still.

  • Lina Splichal Lina Splichal on Apr 08, 2018

    First, turn off the switch to the fixture and the power source to the switch (breaker box or pull fuse), then the potato idea works well. If the potato does not work for you, you can confidently grab an edge of the base with a plier and twist it out because you have doubled the security of not coming into contact with electricity. Good luck.