Asked on Apr 11, 2018

What is the trick to putting a duvet on a comforter?

by Jo

Just got my first duvet and it never occurred to me that you'd have to be a contortionist to get the thing on a comforter. I'm sure there is a handy dandy trick to it. Any great ideas? Thank you.

  5 answers
  • Emily Emily on Apr 11, 2018

    Yes, there absolutely is and my husband and I just did this the other day. Check out You Tube. It is easier to see it being done than to try to describe it.

    • Jo Jo on Apr 12, 2018

      It worked - thank you! Now can you tell me how to keep the thing from looking lumpy? I've got it as spread out inside the duvet as possible, and they are about the same size so it isn't that. Maybe the neat flat look isn't something that is possible with a duvet?

  • Mil25364613 Mil25364613 on Apr 11, 2018

    Try turning the duvet inside out. Then start with one of the bottom corners and work it over that corner, then the other bottom corner. It is better to have two people. Good luck.

  • Erika Kirby Erika Kirby on Apr 11, 2018

  • Bijous Bijous on Apr 11, 2018

    I don't put a comforter inside. The comforter "walks" inside. I just put it on top. Saves struggling with getting it in just right. Good luck.

  • Emily Emily on Apr 12, 2018

    Just took this pic of my duvet and duvet cover. The cover is larger than the duvet, but I don't think this is lumpy. The duvet itself is down. What is your made of? Also my husband helped me put this on, so with two working it was easier. Glad it worked for you. I always have to refer to the video even though I know the essentials.

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