If this were yours what use would you put it to?

by Emily
I have had this uncovered screen forever and had many plans for recovering it. But I decided I probably was not going to do any of them as they were too labor intensive and/or expensive, so I decided to sell it and took it upstairs to photograph it, when I did that, a dozen more ideas popped into my head, the most likely one was to cover it simply with a fabric, went to my favorite store picked out the fabric ($2 a yard) which was 54" wide or enough to have 3 widths! But alas there was not enough fabric on the bolt to do the job. Came home advertised it on Next Door, no takers so got another idea, even less expensive so have started assembling materials for that plan. My fabric idea was to use it at the end of our screened in porch, behind two rattan chairs, but we had just had a great find at our town dump and I had intended to use that (the mirror) in this place. I do not need it to screen anything. . .could use it in the attic to divide sleeping spaces if boys & girls are sharing space or even just to give same sex people more privacy.
  8 answers
  • Ana Bacallao Ana Bacallao on Apr 15, 2018

    I really think it would look stunning with a pretty fabric so I would keep an eye out for a fabric sale to get enough fabric to do it; or I would add some sturdy feet to make sure it would not topple over and use it to hang plants. I never seem to have enough places to hang plants from.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Apr 15, 2018

    I would string each section up (by wrapping around top and bottom rungs) with twine and use it as a room divider. You can change the colors or patterns (like weaving the colors) for each section. It has great "bones" - you could also weave strips of fabric in each section or even use full sheets of fabric. Mix it up for an artistic/eclectic look.

  • Han11807599 Han11807599 on Apr 16, 2018

    Have you thought of using it outside as a privacy screen? It would need a few coats of a marine quality poly, a couple posts (one at each end) & some wire mesh in the openings & planting some annual vines on it,? like morning glories, black-eyed susan vines or maybe cardinal climers?

  • Emily Emily on Apr 16, 2018

    You know that is a use I had never thought of. Not that I need privacy but I could put that on my small back porch where I have a long bench I keep potted plants on. I could fasten it to the bench and also to the house if necessary and grow morning glories or something like that on it. Thanks Hankster, and Ana and Fiddledd too!

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Apr 16, 2018

    Rather than dump it, I would use something to hold it in the ground, let vines grow up, and maybe hang a basket or two on it.

  • Rai2755762 Rai2755762 on Apr 17, 2018

    I've seen them turned into photo displays. See attached photo.

    comment photo
  • Pamela Dobson Pamela Dobson on Apr 17, 2018

    I have something very similar, I got some picture frames from the dollar store and put them in the opening and put it behind my bed as a headboard.

  • Emily Emily on Apr 18, 2018

    That is a very beautifully displayed exhibition of photos!