I got buttered popcorn stain on stretch pants. Any ideas to help?

by Annierock
  8 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 19, 2018

    Try dabbing blue dawn dish sopa on them

  • Barbara Barbara on Apr 19, 2018

    I had grease stain on cotton shirt, and after washing with no luck, a friend suggested using blue Dawn as a pretreatment, and stain gone.

  • Susan Massey Susan Massey on Apr 19, 2018

    At Dollar General you can get an orange colored spray bottle called Oxygen Orange. That is the best stain remover I have ever used! (and I'm 69!!)

  • Mary Lou Mary Lou on Apr 19, 2018

    I've used blue Dawn dish detergent to get our grease spots and had success.

  • Francine Francine on Apr 19, 2018

    Dawn is indeed your first line of action. But if that doesn't work, try Lestoil. It's technically a laundry product and Walmart may or may not have it, depending on your location. If not, try hardware stores.

    When I was little, I played in an oil spill and got my entire snow suit greasy. My mother got it all cleaned up with Lestoil.

    I recently tried it on my oven grills. I let the product sit a while and then with a scrub pad got everything clean with hardly any effort. Must follow up with a good soap & water wash. I think it would work wonders on BBQ grills as well.

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Apr 19, 2018

    Use a little Fells Naphtha with a soft fingernail brush. rub it in let sit for an hour, then launder as usual. DO NOT put in the drier. You may repeat if needed.

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  • B. Enne B. Enne on Apr 20, 2018

    Try shampoo on the item when it is dry. Work it in, rinse with warm water, repeat if necessary. Cheap or baby shampoo works best.