How can I get the mildew smell out of vintage fabrics?

by LCD33363012
recently found some wonderful printed signed handkerchiefs hidden in a box tha's been in my basement for some time.

  8 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 07, 2018

    place them in a box with baking soda

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 07, 2018

    place them in a box with baking soda

  • Jcraw Jcraw on May 07, 2018

    If they’re not stained, put then in with a white wash and some vinegar. If they’re very daint, put them in a lingerie bag first.

  • P P on May 07, 2018

    If really old & lace have them dry cleaned! otherwise try washing in ivory soap with white vinegar added to the rinse water - if there are spots still, put a drop of hydrogen peroxide on each & re rinse -

  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on May 07, 2018

    I hope this does the trick for you.

  • Sharon Sharon on May 07, 2018

    I would wash in a lingerie bag in my washer with 1/2 20 Mule Team Laundry Borax, and then 1/2 c white vinegar in the rinse. Hang if possible in the sun to dry. If there is still an odor try some Frebreeze spray.

  • Cynthia H Cynthia H on May 07, 2018

    I hand wash anything delicate or vintage. All you need is a dishpan (I use a white one just for that purpose), some warm water and some Oxyclean. I dissolve the Oxy in the hottest water I feel safe using, swish the fabric around, and then let it soak until the water cools. Rinse carefully in cool/warm water and dry flat or hanging on a drying rack depending on how delicate it is. Be careful of any color, especially red, as the color may run.