Tulip Plant-should I plant it and how to care for it?

by Alicia
I received a beautiful tulip plant for Mother's Day. should I plant it and how to care for it.

Thank you


  5 answers
  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on May 15, 2018

    You can plant it in the garden by Fall. It has been forced at the greenhouse so it may not bloom again in the Spring.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 15, 2018

    you can plant it now providing your location is free of frost.Dig the hole twice the size of the pot, place the entire plant in the hole and fill the soil in.Do not cut any foliage until completely brown, bulbs feed from it

  • Dona Dona on May 15, 2018

    Plant it outside, the bulb about 6 inches deep, but be aware that the leaves will dry up, leave them as the nutrients in the leaves help feed the bulbs so they will return next year. When you can gently tug on the stem, (in the midwest, it's about July) they are ready to come out. They do look unsightly while they are drying up.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 15, 2018

    Let it dye back and leave it until fall, then plant it four to six inches deep before the first frost.

  • Dianacirce70 Dianacirce70 on May 15, 2018

    Yes, leave it in the pot until fall. Before the first hard frost plant it where you'd like it.