How can i get rid of the birds from my pavilion?

by Maricelhenaine
My husband last year made a pavilion on our backyard with beautiful cedar planks, just gorgeous, now this year the pecky birds think this is their new condo, and theyicon are pooping all over the place, even in our outdoor furniture need an idea please HELP!!!!

  2 answers
  • Annandale Annandale on May 17, 2018

    We had a problem with birds constantly building nests under our deck in the spaces between the joists. I tried about everything, but each time, the birds came back to build, and I would have to tear the nests down because I would end up with bird poop everywhere. (That's what happened last year when I gave up.) This year, after trying hanging scarecrows, I found stainless steel hanging owls and those worked. I ordered them from Amazon and they're called "Reflective Scare Owl" by De-Bird and hung them on nails next to the openings - I had also added, last year, cd's that I hung and reflective tissue (looks metallic) - that's still stapled and hanging from the openings. The birds seemed to avoid the spaces with the cd's and metallic tissue paper. Good luck!!