How to replace 4' florescent fixture with two bulbs

Bob Richardson
by Bob Richardson
We have an older home that has 2 4' florescent fixtures that we would like to replace with newer lighting fixtures. What is the best fixture to replace and how to repair the ceiling as the new fixtures will be smaller.

  4 answers
  • 17335038 17335038 on May 18, 2018

    I would say definitely replace with fixtures that have integrated LED lights, or at least fixtures that take LED lightbulbs. LED lights are very long lasting, take minimal energy, and do not give off heat. From the description, I would say that your present florescent fixtures are probably the standard rectangular ones?

    If you like this size of light fixture it is possible to purchase LED fixtures that same size. The 'cloud' fixtures have a softer, less industrial look to them.

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  • William William on May 18, 2018

  • Had the same thing in my house too. Several years ago I replaced with a halogen track lighting type system, (even though my kitchen is small by most standards, it still has 3 ceiling fixtures - took a bit of searching to find 3 coordinating fixtures), did not care for it.

    Replaced with something similar to the 3rd photo in Flipturn's suggestion. Love it! And in my case, minimal ceiling repair was needed. I just washed the ceiling, spackled up any random holes, sanded smooth and repainted the ceiling, then installed the fixture.

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on May 19, 2018

    Look for the LED bulb color temperature and CRI numbers. If you want a warm light, get a fixture that is 3000k or less. The CRI number indicates quality of the light. Any number above 88 is good. The ceiling may not require any repairs as the anchors are usually small or just slightly larger than a nail hole. Spackle and paint should do the trick for most florescent fixtures

    • Bob Richardson Bob Richardson on May 20, 2018

      Thank you for your suggestion. I will go to Home Depot to look for LED fixture and bulbs.