What is the best way to help this plant vine grow and when I bring it

Dana Lawler
by Dana Lawler
I don't know the name of the plant.
  4 answers
  • Patricia Fluharty Patricia Fluharty on May 22, 2018

    It looks like an ivy. I have one in a pot outside. I keep it in the shade because I live in Texas and the sun would bake it. Our winters are usually mild, so I leave it outside. If the temp drops to freezing or below I will cover it or bring it inside. Hope this helps.

  • Robyn Garner Robyn Garner on May 22, 2018

    Not sure what it is - could be pathos. Anyway, just take nice care of the baby and you'll see what it needs as it grows. Trust yourself!

  • Vicky Vicky on May 22, 2018

    Pothos: doesn't even need soil...stick a cutting in water...just stems under water...the leaves above the water...u can transfer to potting soil when roots r thick enough to support the cutting...or leave them in the water...but keep the water clean... either way never let them dry out...maybe a tiny bit of miracle grow every 2 or 3 months ...loves indirect light but the leaves will always reach towards the sunshine... So if you want leggy/vine type plant u would put it farther away from the sunshine n add something for it to climb on...in the sunshine for a thick luscious, full leafed beauty...but never outside ... Does not like the cold n too hard to keep it damp...grows beautifully inside n easy to snip off a few inches or even feet for cuttings to establish new pothos...a really fast grower so u will be turning the pot/vase often to distribute the light evenly

  • Sherri M. Sherri M. on May 23, 2018

    The pot that's shown in the photo is way too big. Put it either in small cup or bottle until a chunk of roots grow or a smaller cutting size pot.

    A large pot will make the plant try too hard to fill with roots neglecting to grow topside; leaves. Good luck! ✌