Is this knockout rose coming back?

Ben Monterotti
by Ben Monterotti
Zone 6a
Do you think this knockout rose is coming back ok? This was bought and planted last summer, then moved to a different spot in March. I have a few others that are two years old and they have already filled out this spring and are starting to bloom.
I have one other that was planted and transplanted at the same time and it looks like this one. It seems kind of late in spring to be nothing more than a few leaves, so I am torn on whether to wait if our, or replace.
  7 answers
  • It still has life to it, so I would wait. If you want to give up on it, give it away to someone that wants it or is just starting out. is a great way to give things to neighbors.

  • Laura Cooper Laura Cooper on May 22, 2018

    Sometimes wild rose is grafted into the root. It's possible this is a wild rose growing

    • Ben Monterotti Ben Monterotti on May 22, 2018

      I planted this and another last summer and they are definitely knockout roses. I can’t help but wonder if I messed with the root system a little much when transplanting.

  • Han11807599 Han11807599 on May 22, 2018

    Looks like part of it might be dead, but the rest of it is hanging in there, just give it some TLC & it should do okay.....

  • JaBro JaBro on May 22, 2018

    Hang in there. There years ago I bought a grocery cart filled with what looked like almost dead knockout roses—99 cents for the lot! My neighbors laughed and my husband was skeptical, but I persisted. Today I have fourteen full blooming plants!

    Water steadily, fertilize with Epsom salts, and prune heavily once well established. Mine we’re leggy for two years, but they’re gorgeous now.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 23, 2018

    Transplanting shocks them, they may just have been dormant for a short time getting used to its new home. Give them a chance and as Hankster22 said, give them some extra TLC and it should start growing again like the others, it will just be a little behind the others.

  • Alicia W Alicia W on May 31, 2018

    This rose is coming back to life and is probably in shock. To figure out if the branches without foliage are still alive, break a piece off. If it's green inside, it's still alive; if it's brown and easily broken, that part is dead.

    If they are dead, prune them off. If they are alive, you could always prune too so the energy of the plant is focused on producing foliage and hopefully flowers.