What can I do with the yard and still have a safe place for my dogs?

by Cba19304776
We cannot build structures that are not attached to the house because of community rules. Beyond the fence at the end of the yard, there is a creek so I keep as much foliage there to hold the ground as it tends to get very high a few times a year.
From the patio looking toward end of yard
Area next to screened in porch
Area at end of yard
  9 answers
  • Beautiful yard! What specifically do you need for the dogs? Mine have a doggie door from the house to the back yard and they have crates in my bedroom and sleep with me too, along with the cats . . .

    • Cba19304776 Cba19304776 on May 28, 2018

      Thank you for your reply! I was wondering what kind of landscaping would be pet friendly and "dress" up the area. I'm 70 yrs. old so heavy lifting is out.

  • Tanne Tanne on May 28, 2018

    Well looks like make a doggie door at screen porch and put crate or dog house in there . To keep dogs in yard an no structure use invisible fence. We diy ours or get it professional installed. Doggies safe in yard and go into their house through doggie door on porch. Happy dogs happy home!

    • Cba19304776 Cba19304776 on May 28, 2018

      Thank you for your reply. We do have a fence but it is green and blends well as it cannot be seen from the road. The dogs are in and oout of the house at will as I am 70 yrs old and am home all the time. I was thinking more of landscaping ideas that are pet friendly and doesn't involve a lot of lifting.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 28, 2018

    You can build them a lean to type structure for a dog house, that way it is attached to the house, even with a couple of nails or screws. That way if it is real hot or starts to rain, they should have somewhere to go. If you want you could make it just a little bigger and you will have a place to store your gardening tools, etc. Put in a couple of dog beds and a water dish for them and you have somewhere comfy they can go to.

    • Cba19304776 Cba19304776 on May 28, 2018

      Thank you for your reply. I should have mentioned that the dogs come and go to the house at will. I am 70 yrs old and am home all the time. They do have beds on the porch if they want to stay out. I was thinking more of pet friendly landscaping that doesn't reuire a lot of lifting.

  • Cba19304776 Cba19304776 on May 28, 2018

    Thank you for your answer! i should have mentioned that the pups are in and out of the house at will so they are not there all day. They have beds on the screened porch if they choose to stay out. I was looking at a way to dress up the yard a bit.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on May 28, 2018

    You could put in some small gardens, you could use the regular bricks to edge them, just even out the ground underneath and set them in, or put them up the long way and sink them a little bit to have a little more barrier between the garden and the dogs. You don't have to do anything fancy, and you could go perennials so that you don't have to replace everything each year. Hubby will be 73 this year and he just put in a small four foot square garden around our yard light a couple of weeks ago with 4x4's. The garden in on the first of three tiers on the property and pretty steep, the old garden was hard to keep since it was downhill and I kept losing soil and the top didn't stay watered real well. I think I did the hardest part, putting in the huge bags of soil and planting 150 glads when he was done. Start small and gradually add as you decide what to do, it is much easier on our aging bodies. It all doesn't have to be done at once. Have fun and give your dogs some loving!

    • Cba19304776 Cba19304776 on May 29, 2018

      Thank you very much for your ideas. I guess I look at it and get overwhelmed. starting small is probably the key.

  • Mindy Mindy on Jun 06, 2018

    Hi Cbaver!

    i can definitely relate to feeling overwhelmed when trying to plan things for my landscape. But remember this...”it doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.“. That’s my issue, I tend to be a perfectionist and I’m slowly learning to let that go a bit. Can you tell us about the type of sun exposure the yard receives? (Ie: full sun (6+ hrs/day), partial sun (3-5 hrs/day), or full shade)? Also how big are your dogs? Are they likely to knock over say a ceramic birdbath? The answers to these types of questions will help us come up with more solid ideas for you to implement if you choose to. Looking forward to hearing back from you! Best, Mindy (another fellow dog owner too!) 😊

    • See 1 previous
    • Mindy Mindy on Jun 08, 2018

      Great info, thank you Cbaver! One thing I either missed in your original post or forgot to ask is “what part of the country are you in?” Do you happen to know your hardiness “Zone”?

      For example, I am ten miles from the coast in Northeastern Massachusetts. That puts me in Zone 6b.

      It will be important for you to know your zone so that when you’re looking at plant tags, plant and seed catalogues and/or online...if you’re planting a perinneal (Ie: something that typically come back every season), you’ll know it will survive your winters.

      You can find you Zone here: https://garden.org/nga/zipzone/

      However, without knowing your hardiness zone yet, I do agree that perhaps a flowering vine would be a great start! Believe it or not, there are many to choose from and most attract beneficial birds and insects like butterflies, hummingbirds, honey bees, etc.

      Personally, I love watching the various birds and butterflies that visit our yard. My dogs (who are 50 lb rescue “mutts”) don’t bother the birds or the butterflies. Squirrels are another story, LOL! 😊

      As for a container garden (which a vine could also go into provided that it has a trellis or some other structure to climb), I haven’t done this yet, but I love the look of the galvanized steel horse troughs that you can purchase brand new at stores like Tractor Supply Co (if there is one near you) or other sort of feed/agriculutural stores. You can purchase them in a variety of sizes and “add on” later if you like. Now, this “look” might not fit your taste, but that’s ok...it’s still getting you thinking about possible containers for your container garden. Here is a few links regarding the look I’m talking about:



      Again, I’m not saying you HAVE to go this route, but it seems (to me at least) to fit the needs you have for container gardening (Ie: no stooping or kneeling required, very little to do to get them set up...in other words, nothing you have to build) and it has the capacity for you to add on to the idea as you get more comfortable with the process of container gardening.

      Start with one. It doesn’t even have to be that big. You know your dogs are not likely to be able to get into it and mess it up and you can place it where ever you like within your yard.

      You can fill fill it with whatever plants you like (provided that they are compatible with the full sun location, etc).

      Do you have a hose hook up in your back yard? Maybe place it closer to the hose so you’re not dragging a hose around the yard, which can be a tripping hazard, etc.

      i’ll also say that with a backyard that beautiful, if it were me, I would put out a simple bird bath, maybe hang a hummingbird feeder off the porch area, I also put out oranges sliced in half and stick them on a post (through the center of the orange half) to attract the beautiful orange oriels that also visit in the summer.

      I know I just “threw” a lot at you all at once, so if you need help breaking it down into manageable pieces so you don’t feel overwhelmed, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!

      PS: regarding flowering vines, I have a large honeysuckle vine that the previous homeowner planted that the hummingbirds go crazy for! I don’t know the first thing about honeysuckle vines and their care, but we’ve been here for nine years and I’ve just left it to its own devices and it’s done beautifully! Clematis is also another vine I just started experimenting with a few years ago so it’s still only about a foot and a half tall, but it flowers and it’s exciting to watch its progress each year.

      Looking forward to hearing back back from you with what you decide, any additional questions, etc.

      I‘ll leave you with a picture of one of my recent birdbath purchases! It’s already received a lot of use in the week I’ve had it!

      comment photo
  • Sharon Sharon on Jun 06, 2018

    I would put in a dog run along one side of the house or porch, they have them where you can sit them down, or you can use chain link and make your own. https://www.walmart.com/search/?query=dog%20runs&cat_id=0 be sure to provide some shade, water.

    I have also used that coated cable to run a zip line from one side of a yard to the other, and then add a down lead to your dogs collar. Allows them to run but prevents from coming out of yard. I fastened one end on the house with a heavy duty eye bolt, and the other end to a tree at the other end of the yard. This was sturdy enough for my clients pit bull.

  • Adam Conrad Adam Conrad on Dec 18, 2018

    Perhaps using invisible fences as a pet containment system is a better idea? where you can contain the pups in a sub section of your garden? here is a detailed guide ...
