How do I set up a rain barrel?

I have a nice resin rain barrel, I purchased at an estate sale so of course no instructions? I know I will have to cut my down spout shorter and get a new curve but what do I put under the rain barrell that will not cost me an arm and a leg or do I just put it on the ground

  9 answers
  • Liz Liz on Jun 22, 2018


  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 22, 2018

    is there a name on it?

  • Kate Kate on Jun 22, 2018

  • Amanda Amanda on Jun 22, 2018

    Hi Sherrill. I had mine on the ground but the water wouldn't flow so well. I then put it on 2 cylinder blocks put side by side. It worked out very well, and the water was flowing great. If you are in a colder climate make sure to empty and store the barrel. I am in WI and didn't get mine in soon enough and the water froze putting a huge crack in the barrel.

    • Sherrill A.C. Wallace Sherrill A.C. Wallace on Jun 22, 2018

      Thanks Amanda! I never would have thought to drain it for the winter..Amarillo is almost closer to Denver than Dallas so we do get below 0 sometimes 10 below zero! I have Cinder blocks!! Trying to save $$$

  • DesertRose DesertRose on Jun 22, 2018

    We set up our rain barrel at the back corner of our home. The down spout on the gutter has a flexible/bendable end at the top of the barrel. Our rain barrel is a new garbage can with a rectangular hole cut in the top for the flexible gutter end to go into it. This keeps all the mosquitoes away and we can lift the lid easily to get out water when we need it. We save a lot of water using the water from our roof.

  • Betty Betty on Jun 22, 2018

    I live in WV and I love my rain barrel .we sit it on two cinder block .wish we would have added two more block on top of those .I can get a bucket under it but not my water can .so I put in bucket then pour in watering can . We cut the top in half with a saw to make it easy for me to clean out .place a piece of screen over hole then put lid on top of hole .keep mosquitoes out .tum up side down in winter . Hope you enjoy your as much as I do .even use the water for my inside plants .

  • Sherrill A.C. Wallace Sherrill A.C. Wallace on Jun 22, 2018

    Thanks...I will set up more cinder blocks to keep it up higher..this one does have a spicket on it and a net on the top to keep the mosquitoes at bay if you can do such a thing, We are in a severe drought here in NorthWest Texas,,,our usual rainfall is less than 19 annually,,,we won't come near that this year..all my tomatoes have died and I have always had bumper crops, I live near a very small lake so the skeeters do get bad, going to try some of that yard spray for skeeters and if that does not work get a one acre bug zapper! I appreciate your response, don't want to have to do anything over!

  • Mogie Mogie on Jun 22, 2018

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 22, 2018

    You can leave it on the ground, or put cheap pacers under it. Make sure the ground is pretty level. For plain rectangular ones, you should be able to find them at Menards for about a dollar a piece.