Ideas for covering area where 20 yr old oak was

Dale N.
by Dale N.
I need ideas on how to decorate the area. I am told I need a tree but I want to tie up more property of the yard. I am looking to mow as little as possible. The picture is looking out my bedroom window, my yard is bare ideas are welcome. HELP ME BE C REATIVE and dress up my neighborhood. I can put crape Myrtle where oak was but want to do pavers, sitting area, something...... creative.
  10 answers
  • Lina Splichal Lina Splichal on Jun 29, 2018

    Lay out a "rock garden" as large as you like (or several smaller ones with rock paths between them) and plant low maintenance shrubs and flowers to your liking.

  • Dale N. Dale N. on Jun 29, 2018

    Can you sketch me a layout of what you are thinking?

  • 17335038 17335038 on Jun 30, 2018

    I am wondering what is happening with the landscaping blocks in the foreground of the picture? If these are going in, first of all they are not the right shape for a straight line; these are suitable for a curved line. And, secondly, you will need to have them supported with a layer of crush before placing them in the desired shape, otherwise they will shift and sink.

    To keep the area where anything is growing separate and contained, and maintenance to a minimum, I would encourage you to perhaps think about building a raised bed as a focal point in this area of the yard where the tree was.

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  • Dale N. Dale N. on Jun 30, 2018

    Love the look. Ok, I have an idea of what to do. Thanks

  • Dottie Weirich Dottie Weirich on Jun 30, 2018

    Is there any reason you couldn't use this area for a vegetable garden with even some edible flowers? Even a container garden with a colored mulch in between planters. Planters don't have to be expensive - galvanized water containers ( home Depot about $20.00) and panted 5 gal. buckets (make sure to holes drilled in bottom of containers) painted Semi Truck tires (check with tire stores & Truck Stop Centers) for their used as most can be FREE!

  • Mona Blake Mona Blake on Jul 01, 2018

    I love the raised planter. Be sure to plant perenials in it. I would use crushed rock as a path out to it, a flat area with a park bench would also be lovely. Make sure the path to the area is not straight, as it needs to contour the curves of the planter and complement the area. If you are on facebook. Join the marketplace for you area. I created my backyard from free rock. We bought a cheap truck, used it to haul the rock in the spring and sold it for the price we paid for the truck! Only hard work for cost!

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  • Dfm Dfm on Jul 20, 2018

    You don’t want to plant a tree near the root ball of the old tree. The new tree won’t be as strong as the old tree. Roots are typically 3 times larger than the trees canopy, plant a new tree as if is fully mature, giving a chance to grow as nature intended.

  • Lorraine Lorraine on Jul 20, 2018

    Start way back to your window, make an interesting shape using your hose, clean out the dead and live grass, get large flagstones, a large stone or large pottery for the dead area and short shrubs and flowers. Photos from Pintrest

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  • Dale N. Dale N. on Jul 24, 2018

    thank you everyone for suggestions. it is a front yard. i need approval to put anything in place. HOA has stated nothing beyond tree or plants will be allowed. I guess it will be sodded and left alone (for now).

  • Michelle Michelle on Apr 04, 2021

    What about a small weeping cherry tree or shrub that cascades.