Share some cheap wall decorating DIY ideas??

by Vartika
i have a dark brown accent wall and need some good ideas to make wall look big and different.
  12 answers
  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Jun 30, 2018

    not knowing your decorating style is a bit difficult, my eye says a bold large picture vertically hung

  • Gaylyn Gaylyn on Jun 30, 2018

    If it were my wall I would change the color. You have the dark bedding, so you could go much lighter. That alone would make it look larger. You could add a large mirror and that would really open it up.

  • Rob32328534 Rob32328534 on Jun 30, 2018

    Hi Vartika, Metal wall art looks awesome on dark walls, as well as multiple groupings of same- sized framed art. Take your own photos, print them out and frame them alike and put them in blocks to take up space in a stunning display! Decorative plates or platters hung in a design looks great too! Hope this helps the creative process!

    • Vartika Vartika on Jul 01, 2018


      Thank you, can you be a little more specific about metal wall art??

  • 27524803 27524803 on Jun 30, 2018

    First... I would find a beautiful PATTERNED quilt/comforter/bedspread... one with a lot of colors...or you can have a single color one ... just more are just two I found with a Google Search: patterned bedspread... then choose the "more images" selection, click the pic, and choose "visit"

    then..I.. would put ship lap, pallet wood, or tongue and groove wood on the wall... it can be painted in different colored "washes" or just stained

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    • Vartika Vartika on Jul 01, 2018

      Thank you for suggestion. what do you think which color of bed sheet will go right with brown wall??

  • Kelly-n-Tony Kelly-n-Tony on Jun 30, 2018

    Have you considered some bright pops of color on the walls? Even a headboard would make a big difference and I think something rattan or bamboo would be great with the colors you have in the room. Colorful pillows would be a simple start.

  • Eileen Eileen on Jul 01, 2018

    I made my own wall art "canvases" with plywood. I was able to make a custom size and I used a world map stencil. It turned out pretty cool!

  • Deb K Deb K on Jul 01, 2018

    I would paint it blue, any shade you like, then add either mirror tiles or ikea long wavy mirrors (4), brow goes with blue which will brighten it up and you can still use your brown coverlet

  • Rob32328534 Rob32328534 on Jul 01, 2018

    tI meant the wrought iron- like - ( but lighter weight metal) scroll design pieces that you see in stores like Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Pier 1, etc. Hope that helps

  • 27524803 27524803 on Jul 02, 2018

    I would choose something with a variety of colors... white or light background and if it has the brown at part of the design, so much the better.... it can be floral-ish... or geometric.... then use the other colors in the design for pillows, draperies, accent furniture, etc.

    As for colors to complement the brown.... turquoise would be MY first choice.... but brown can be considered to be a "neutral"... it goes with a lot of colors.... pink, coral, yellow, green, gray, red, blue...

    Find a piece of artwork, fabric, that has the colors you like... and that includes the brown... then use it as the inspiration.

  • 27524803 27524803 on Jul 02, 2018

    here is a suggestion... print out the photo you posted.... shop online for bedspreads, comforters, etc.... print out the photo of the ones you like and cut out the bedspread part.... place it over the brown bed spread.... there will be at least one that "works"... and instantly makes the wall and bed work together.

  • Lob33717120 Lob33717120 on Jul 02, 2018

    Use lots of mirrored frames combined with different sized mirrors, anything that reflects. And definitely lighter bedding.

  • Not sure what your style is, but changing the color of the accent wall to something lighter would make the room feel larger. Also adding a headboard would go a long ways to add some style :) Here's some great tips for how to decorate above your bed too: