Survive the heat and sun

by Jan32065531

Can anyone tell me what plant can handle full sun and at least 103% heat, looking for something that will get bushy and full with pretty flowers.

  7 answers
  • B. Enne B. Enne on Jul 02, 2018


  • Kim Kim on Jul 02, 2018

    manzanitas are beautiful! The sunset manzanita has tiny pink bell shaped flowers.

    Honeysuckle does pretty well in the heat and withstands the wind.

    The Bush Mallow is a beautiful shrub that flowers spring through summer

    marguerite makes a nice small bush that is prolific with daisy type flowers

    I hope that helps


    • Jan32065531 Jan32065531 on Jul 04, 2018

      Oh the Honeysuckle sounds like the ideal plant. I can imagine the scent flowing every morning.

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jul 02, 2018

    Hi Jan! I have been very sucessful with very sturdy sedums, tho no significant flowering.

    Here pictured below are the sedum that are surviving the 90-100 degree temperatures we are having now in central Virginia, zone seven -both in the garden as well as surface pots and hanging planters. In my experience they are thoroughly vetted for use. The hen and and chicks I’ve had for more than five years on this very same sun scorched deck survived ice and snow and below zero temperatures to sunny scorching summers assault! Hope this helps.

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  • 27524803 27524803 on Jul 02, 2018

    We live in Arizona and our summers are usually 107 plus...

    Bougainvillea, lantana, roses, Thompson seedless grapes, petunias,some of the trumpet bushes also do well in the heat all do well for us.. on the west side of the house in full afternoon sun.... we do water them every other day when the temps are 105 plus

    We have had good success with a vine called Coral vine or Queen's wreath.... at 110 it breaks out in beautiful clusters of pink flowers.

  • Jan32065531 Jan32065531 on Jul 04, 2018

    Wow never thought of seedless grapes. I will check them all out. Thank you.

  • Agnes Chrzanowska Agnes Chrzanowska on Sep 29, 2021

    where are you located .. it all depens on your zone