How to get rid of ants in my kitchen?

by Sandra

For days I’ve been mixing Borax, sugar, powdered sugar and water together and placing small containers around the counters. Hundreds of ants in the Borax solution, but the ants keep coming, when will the queen ant die, which is the goal. I keep foods put away, dishes put away, counters clean, but to no avail.

  9 answers
  • Mkl Mkl on Jul 05, 2018

    I use 1 part granulated sugar to 1 part borax. The mixture is then placed to where they seem to be coming in the house - usually window sills and door frames. It works for me. Generally takes a day or two. This is a bad year for ants here because of the weather extremes so I have had to use this more than once this year,

  • Chas' Crazy Creations Chas' Crazy Creations on Jul 05, 2018

    I had some ants recently creeping into my home is well. Here is the article I referenced to help me -

  • Kelly Kelly on Jul 05, 2018

    I soak a cotton ball in the mixture and make sure it is placed in their path. They won't cross Windex so I spray an arch around the path and cotton ball so they won't cross it. I find that in about 3 days they are gone for the season. Hope this helps.

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Jul 05, 2018

    Try Terra

    comment photo
  • Terro ant bait/traps do the trick.

  • Oliva Oliva on Jul 05, 2018

    Wash your walls, counters with vinegar to interrupt scent trail. Wipe floors, as well, including interiors of closets, cabinets. Sprinkle Diatomaceous earth around exterior entry points of your home (you can use the food grade quality, indoors).

    • Sandra Sandra on Jul 05, 2018

      Tomorrow I will wash down entire kitchen with vinegar. I’ll get the Diatomaceous, too! Thank you!

  • Rick Miksell Rick Miksell on Jul 05, 2018

    Put out Amdro

  • Sandra Sandra on Jul 05, 2018

    I’ll check into Amdro, thank you!

  • I use packaged cornbread mix that says it is sweetened and put it where they are. They will take it to the mound, everyone will eat it and die, they can't digest the cornmeal, but will take it because it is sweetened. Little goes a long way.

    I read this from : Itsmemic

    Medicated powder from the Dollar Tree. It has eucalyptus in it...menthol...I puff it around my homes foundation..and inside under my birdcages in the cracks under moldings. Work immediately and they never come back. I do this at the first sign of one day..GONE. The powder is in a very large container and lasts quite awhile too !! And smells great !

    Not toxic to my birds OR dog

    What if you make a barrier around the house.

    I did some research, since we know what works for one person doesn't always work for another. I found this site and it's pretty informative. I know some tips you may not be able to use but there are some good ones also that will hopefully help.

    Ants are so weird. One time I found them inside the freezer in the garage!! What would possess them to go inside a freezer only to die? They must have sent signals back or something ~ there were no ant trails only a freezer full of dead ants. Hasn't happened since.

    Ant Spray -