How can I design a beautiful landscape for my home!

My front yard is ugly. The "plantings" are currently weeds!

i need suggestions for foundation shrubs and flowering plants.


  7 answers
  • HappyGrandmaGA HappyGrandmaGA on Jul 06, 2018

    We had a small stone wall built with a purple crepe myrtle in the middle of the cut out area near our front porch. The landscaper planted flowering azalea bushes along with kaleidoscope bushes which are varigated medium and light green which produce tiny little white flowers in the summertime. Those bushes change colors to bronze in the them! He also planted a line of coreopsis bushes which have lots of airy yellow flowers for a month or so.

  • Oliva Oliva on Jul 06, 2018

    Photo of your home and where you live would be helpful, as well as knowing if you will maintain these plantings, yourself. Initially, you'll need to kill off weeds, dig up area in which you intend to plant, add soil amendments (weeds are usually a sign your area is too acidic). Do you have water restrictions where you live? How much snow, salt spray in winter? Coldest temp? High winds? Potential for damage by deer, raccoons, groundhogs, etc.?

  • Shore grandmom Shore grandmom on Jul 06, 2018

    I like a mixture of evergreen and flowering shrubs. I don't know where you live, so I'm not sure if what I have in my garden will grow in yours. And for the first year, I would plant the shrubs and put in annuals. Then the following year get the perennials so you have time to figure out where and what to get. Go to your local garden nursery and they should be able to guide you as to what to plant for your area. Tell them about your soil and how much sun the plants will get. You can make a nice garden look even better if you define it with something. I like garden blocks, two or three rows. You can glue them together with PL Premium. Remember to make the ground near your house higher and slope the garden away from it. A nice cedar mulch will finish it off. Have fun with colors and textures.

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  • Dfm Dfm on Jul 06, 2018

    walk arround your neighborhood, see what others have used. Having grown up on the bad side of town, I like prikly things under the windows. I don’t know what growing zone you are in, so I can’t suggest any plants.

  • Franklinrawley Franklinrawley on Jul 06, 2018

    the amount of funds may determine what you will do. But, I would take some pictures and take them to your local gardening folks. you know, the ones that you will be buying all the plants from. Knowing that you will be buying these from these folks, that will be a BIG help to getting what you want and giving them the business will only strengthen your relationship.

  • Lisa S. Lisa S. on Jul 06, 2018

    I have been able to get a lot of shrubs at Lowes in the clearance section of the plant section. Not all Lowes are the same. Knock out Roses last year $1.00 each.

  • Joanna - Gingham Gardens Joanna - Gingham Gardens on Jul 07, 2018

    Hi Jackie - I think you might find this article helpful:

    Good luck and happy gardening!