How can I landscape a slope back yard with a budgeta

by Lily

I have a slope backyard desperately need landscaping and I don’t like grass as so hard to maintain, anyone can suggest but not spending a fortune?

  6 answers
  • Lina Splichal Lina Splichal on Jul 08, 2018

    You could level off several areas as terraces, edge with natural rocks and use each terrace as a garden for whatever you wish.

    You could also just place some natural rocks randomly (or in a pattern) and plant vining plants, spreading yews, or again, whatever you wish.

  • Plant a no maintenance groundcover that will spread and is compatible in your Zone. Or look into Xeriscaping for another low to no maintenance option.

  • Cathy Miller Kudlinski Cathy Miller Kudlinski on Jul 08, 2018

    That's exactly what I was going to say. Spray weed killer on the edges, if it grows somewhere you don't want it to.

  • Bonnie Mueller Neumann Bonnie Mueller Neumann on Jul 08, 2018

    I have the same. I had a plant exchange with friends and neighbors. Everyone brought 2 plants to share from their yard and took 2 home from someone else's. When transporting, I prefer a 5 gal bucket with a few inches of water. By the time you get there, the plants will have perked up and the roots can repair themselves. Most gardeners are overwhelmed with something and are happy to share it. Be sure to use Lilies, bulbs and strong rooted plants that will spread in areas where erosion could occur.

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  • Kathy Kathy on Jul 08, 2018

    Check your Zone, before getting any succulents, I live in California & I use Donkey Tail, Jade, Aloe Vera, Echervia, Hens & chicks, along with Mint many varieties. For a slope I have read that low maintenance & drought Tolerant plants are Creeping Thyme, Trailing Rosemary, IVY.

    Google :what plants grow well on a slope in your Zone, you will find many plants.

    Hope this helps


  • Lily Lily on Jul 08, 2018

    Thanks so much for the answers. It definitely give me confidence now to start my slope makeover