Why doesn't my forsythia turn yellow ? When should I trim it ?

by Jub12101747
  2 answers
  • LIRR1926 LIRR1926 on Jul 13, 2018

    Forsythia and other spring blooming shrubs should be pruned in spring right after blooming and definitely not after June or so. They bloom on "new wood", the branches that grow over the summer/fall.

    Many of them are "pruned" with hedge clippers very severely, this takes off the new wood.

    I cut mine hard after bloom in the spring but only branches growing sideways, crossing or otherwise undesirable. Try to keep straight branches that grow up.

  • OceeB OceeB on Jul 19, 2018


    That is sad if It has never bloomed? I always think of Forsythias as the first blooming bush of spring and love the vibrant color. The blooms do not last too long sadly 1-2 weeks.

    I have taken the branch clippings and placed straight into soil and you will have new bushes forming the next year.

    This link has great info


    Flowering Time. Often forsythia is the first shrub to bloom in the garden, either at the end of winter or the beginning of spring. This explosion of color may signal gardeners to prepare for the coming growing season. Early-seasonflowers and vegetables may be planted around the time of the forsythia'sblossoms.

    They are not the prettiest non blooming shrub though. We had ours lining the side of house and that worked out okay

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