When should I trim back my done blooming tulips and how short should t
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You can cut the stem all the way to the ground, if you like. They'll die back on their own if left alone.
do not prune the stems until the are totally brown, bulbs feed from foliage
Hi Judy. I trim mine after they are done blooming down to the ground.
It helps the bulbs get ready for next spring by taking the nutrients from the leaves back into the bulbs if you leave them to die back on their own.
Nancy Turner is correct. I know they look horrible but they need to die and leaves turn yellow. The bulbs need the nutrients from the tulip stems and leaves. Then cut them down to the ground.
Wait until the stalks turn brown and then clip off to about 2-3 inches from the ground. The dying stalks give the bulbs a boost so do not cut them off too early.
Let die back naturally until you can lift them off, without any effort.
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