How to finish a garage floor?

by Linda

Our garage floor had been painted twice and both layers are peeling. Plans are to sand it to get rid of all paint. Then what? I hesitate to paint. I’m thinking just cement with some kind of shiny finish to make it easier to clean.

  2 answers
  • Pat Guadagnoli Martinez Pat Guadagnoli Martinez on Jul 15, 2018

    I have had the same trouble I have not tried but have heard you have to make sure tat there is no oilon or in the existing floor.

  • Janice Janice on Jul 16, 2018

    There is a product available at home improvement stores called "Rock Solid". It is wonderful for garage or basement concrete floors, It dries very hard and shiny and does leave a "rock solid" finish. It is usually near the paint aisle along with Rustoleum Transformations merchandise. It comes in a about 5-6 colors.