Topiary Horse question

by Linda

So, being fascinated by both plants, planting and plant design, I purchased a horse shaped wire topiary. After putting it together, I filled it with peat moss, since keeping dirt in it was a challenge because the casing is wire with 1 inch square holes everywhere. I wanted to have succulent plants filling in the designs. Using different kinds to highlight a mane, muzzle, and so on, but I am having getting plants to grow on the sides, head, legs.

  5 answers
  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Jul 20, 2018

    Thats a fabulous topiary, Linda. Yes succulents might add some trailing depth to the mane and tail. Many of mine have a trailing tendancy!

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    • Linda Linda on Jul 23, 2018

      I love your succulent pots! they look happy and healthy!

  • on Jul 20, 2018

    If it goes in a shady area you might also consider moss growing out of it, I used red moss from the west side of my property and blended it in my blender with plain yogurt and painted it onto and old old chair sitting in a flower bed of low light plants and it grew beautifully, the moss is thick and has grown to about 2 inches in length

    • Linda Linda on Jul 23, 2018

      Wish I could grow some moss but the horse and my patio are sun, sun, sun :(

  • Ili Ili on Jul 21, 2018

    Do you want to fill in the empty spaces? if so, probably add some ivy plants...In certain areas Succulents do not grow too fast therefore you can use something else until then, or might like the look with the (maybe) Variegated Ivy.....JMO

  • Sharon Welton Anderson Sharon Welton Anderson on Jul 23, 2018

    Add more succulent starts. Dip the root or cutting in rooting hormone first so it will take root. It should fill in soon. You can buy rooting hormone at your locale nursery or Home Depot.