Hi I really need your help . I want some ideas for landscaping and a s

Barb ternasky
by Barb ternasky

I was thinking of a deck between the big picture window and some sea grass on either side along with perennials flowers

  4 answers
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jul 22, 2018

    It would help if we could see a picture of the area you want to landscape so that we can visualize the changes you want to make and give suggestions. Thanks Barb!

    • Barb ternasky Barb ternasky on Jul 22, 2018

      Sorry I thought I added the picture . Any ideas would really help . Not sure where to start.

      comment photo
  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jul 22, 2018

    The first things I would do is add a few more plants to the porch on the left side at ground level. A couple of hanging plants would look good, too. I would then add a seating area with pavers or whatever you want where the two tickets and table are. Make a pathway from both stairways leading to the seating area. You can turn the wall behind the seating area into a colorful garden area and gradually extend it out to the pathways and maybe move out into the yard and do some shrubs and plantings around the yard. Perhaps there are a tree or two you may want to plant with all the open area. You could put taller plantings in under the center window, but I don't know if you want to go too tall around your porch, I would want to make it stand out, not get hidden by tall plantings. Start by the house and work your way out, it all doesn't need to be in one bunch. Do small things, a few plantings, hanging baskets, etc. A patio or deck, then go out from there in sections so that you can get to see progress and you can decide where to go on from there. You can do this Barb! Make your yard your own piece of paradise!

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jul 23, 2018

    You could go with a pergola, but it will block your windows somewhat. If you don't mind that, you could put in one and plant some vines to climb it and bring in more nature you could go flowers, or even climbing veggie plants that also have flowers.

  • Barb ternasky Barb ternasky on Jul 23, 2018

    We get the West evening sun so it gets prett bright so shade there would be good