Asked on Aug 04, 2018

How do i create a back splash behind my stove. Not using tin plates?

by Vic29628786

I purchased these through Finger Hit what a mess, they have glue stickers on the back each corner. When fire up the stove or frying the heat sends them flying to the floor Uuuugh what a mess. I really like the small mesh type instead I just started a new job after being laid off for a year. Not sure I can afford the items to get rid of this eye sore. Have any ideas? HEEELLP? GET BACK TO ME SOON

  10 answers
  • Dwp7470b Dwp7470b on Aug 04, 2018

    Hi Vic!

    Use Contact paper+Masonite+Velcro strips

  • L. Nicklason L. Nicklason on Aug 04, 2018

    I used a product from Menards. A peal and stick with 8 tiles per group. Painted the wall with Kilz, as required. Measured twice, took my time. This stuff sticks so hard. I have never had a problem ever !!!

  • L. Nicklason L. Nicklason on Aug 04, 2018

    My project finished

    comment photo
  • Claude Claude on Aug 04, 2018

    I used stainless steel stick on brick shaped behind mine and when one loosened, I just used a small amount of contact cement and stuck it back (wiped wall w alcohol first).

  • Archie Archie on Aug 04, 2018

    I am assuming the wall was not cleaned properly before you stuck these on the wall.

    Myself, I'd take all of them off and clean the wall and perhaps primer where the tiles go.

    Then buy a roll of two sided tape and put strips of tape on each of the metal tiles and re-install them. If this doesn't work it sure won't cost you much to try it.

    If that doesn't work, and I think it will, then you can do the stick on backsplash sold at Home Depot or Lowe's. These are 12" X 12". Again the wall has to be prepared correctly. I have never heard of them coming off and some of them are not very expensive.

  • Marilla Waltrip Monroe Marilla Waltrip Monroe on Aug 05, 2018

    I went to a sheet metal fabricator in my small town, got a sheet of stainless steel with rolled edges, so it wasn't sharp, I think I paid under $50. Hung it up behind the stove with screws at each corner.

  • Tracey Abbott Tracey Abbott on Aug 05, 2018

    I don't know if they still sell them, but Lowe's used to sell large metal squares in different colors near the appliances. They are inexpensive, and we even covered up an old, but working, dishwasher with one of them. At one point, I had a white one screwed to the wall behind my stove. They are kind of sharp, though, so be careful.

  • Marelize Ferreira Marelize Ferreira on Aug 06, 2018

    Try Metal Foil Tape. It is a relative new medium to craft with, cheap easy and very forgiving. There are many examples on youtube and easy beginners tutorials.

  • Lorraine Lorraine on Sep 05, 2018

    Or get a large piece of tempered glas that fits that area use spray on adhesive and glue on a pretty piece of fabric, or if you can draw, paint some scene on it ( trace it) . Just like the glass cutting boards. Attach to wall using those mirror holders like in the bathroom.