How to put all my book in a horizontal library?

I have many books and I want to protect them by putting them in a furniture, I was thinking about a long closet on the floor. I do not want vertical. Is any way to build something out of wood maybe and put it against the wall?

  5 answers
  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on Aug 13, 2018

    11 Brilliant Book Storage Ideas That'll Make You Toss Your Kindle


    Sep 10, 2015 - To keep your books protected and in sight, we've compiled 11 ... Horizontal ladder:Horizontally attach a re-purposed ladder to your wall, ... Tips for Arranging & Organizing Bookshelves | Better Homes & Gardens

    1. › BHG.COM › Decorating › Storage › Shelves

    Bookshelves do double duty as storage space for books and display space for ... To add interest to yourbook collection, alternate stacking books horizontally ... 60 Brilliant Pinterest Pins for Book Storage |


    Use these pins to inspire your own book storage solutions. ... basic than these white, horizontal shelves that leave plenty of room for storing books of all sizes

    • Konstantinos Chatzis Konstantinos Chatzis on Aug 15, 2018

      I appreciate your answer. I will take my time and see all these ideas! I think I will find the way through what you sent me!!

  • Carol Armstrong Carol Armstrong on Aug 14, 2018

    Turn your bookcase on it's side. Can arrange some books on top with unusual book ends such as trophies, decorative boxes,exc

  • Carol Armstrong Carol Armstrong on Aug 14, 2018

    Turn your bookcase on it's side. Can arrange some books on top with unusual book ends such as trophies, decorative boxes,exc

  • 16999903 16999903 on Aug 14, 2018

    Hello Konstantinos! I'm a book lover too. When they start taking over, it tears my heart out to part with some.

    When you say you don't want your books "vertical", are you meaning you want them to lay flat and stack them on top of each other, or are you mean you want horizontal shelving?

    I think a cube system would work well if you want to lay the books flat and stack them on top of each other. You can really shelf the books standing or laying flat. The idea is that you will not have too many books stacked on top of each other. For a large collection of books, you should make a unit of cube shelves. Attach them to each other with a bolt and wing nut at the top inside the cube. Also, attach them to each other from top to bottom in the same way. Measure first and place the holes for the bolts in the same place so you can move them around if necessary. (This will allow you to take them apart if you need to move them around.) Stack the cubes as high as you lik. You'll need to fix the unit to the wall. There are many ways to do that which are not permanent....again, if you want to move them. Check at your hardware store and get someone that can help you with the kind of hooks or hardware that will keep them from tipping or leaning. Good luck! And let us know what you ended up doing?

    • Konstantinos Chatzis Konstantinos Chatzis on Aug 15, 2018

      thanks a lot for the idea.

      I want an horizontal shelving somehow. I have lots of books, mainly photographic and I want at the same time to be protected from dust!~

      Do you have any photographs for the idea you told me?

  • 16999903 16999903 on Aug 19, 2018

    This is a unit that you can order from Walmart. You have to assemble it yourself. It's appearance is similar to what I was describing. It depends on how much DIY work you want to do. The square cubby shelves would allow your books to lay flat without having too many stacked on top of each other when you want to pull one out to read. The description says this can also be a room divider so you can arrange your books facing both sides for access. I hope this gives you a better idea. You can google images of "cubby hole book cases". Good luck!

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