How do I Clean a stove top?

  5 answers
  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Sep 03, 2018

    Wipe away any large stuck on goop with hot soapy water .remove grills and metel rings under them .them clean whole stove I use comet it won’t scratch and it cleans good stuckon grease.wash all parts in hot soapy water and let air dry on a towel on the counter.after everything is clean put back together .i have a glass top so I don’t know if you have that it came with a razor blade to scratch off anything stuck on then clean with soap and water with scrubby then windex

  • Vimarhonor Vimarhonor on Sep 03, 2018

    Hello, are you asking about cleaning a glass cooktop?

    I purchased the manufacturer cleaning and care kit but you can buy your own componets separately.

    Currently I use the - Weiman creme with blue scotch rite pad, retractable razor paper towel options depending on the clean up job.

    1- Weiman cream and paper towels for lightest soil.

    2- Weiman cream and blue scotchrite pad for moderate soiling. Clean up polish with paper towel.

    3- Retractable razor scraping, Weiman cream and blue scotchrite pad for heaviest build up followed by paper towel buffing.

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  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Sep 10, 2018

    If it is a glass top then try Cerama Bryte. It works well for me. If it is a regular stove with the coils, try comet on a wet cloth.

  • Everything Pretty Everything Pretty on Sep 19, 2018

    I have a flat top and use baking soda and water if anything is stuck on it. Otherwise, I use diluted vinegar water just for grease.