How to organize my new sewing/craft room?

Mary Jane
by Mary Jane

I have a room that is soon to be empty that I am going to make my sewing/craft room. Right now ALL my things are all over. What is the best way to tackle this project because right now I am so overwhelmed at the thought. My initial idea was to put it all in there then separate and order. But I don’t think that’s the right way

  4 answers
  • Janice Janice on Sep 09, 2018

    Hi Mary Jane, lucky you! A place to play where you can close the door and no one needs to see your "play". I'd start by sorting through the craft items I already have to organize them a bit. Then I'd look into find some tall bookcases or adding shelving to the perimeter walls of the room so you can see what you do have once you install all your project materials. A good sized table or desk to sit and work comfortably is also important. Start gathering baskets, boxes, etc. to really organize. I think once you start, your inspiration will come and one great idea will lead to another. Keep in mind that lighting is important too! Create that room as another crafty project and enjoy the may not get it exactly right the first time but it is a work in progress as interests change.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Sep 09, 2018

    invest in some good organization pieces like shelves, thread holders, and whatever you feel will best suit your needs. Since you are lucky enough to have a room, I would also suggest a cutting table of some kind that is tall enough that you won’t have to bend over. Makes all the difference in the world. I use our bar height pub table but it really isn’t large enough.

    Pre sort items and maybe even purge before loading the room.

    Have fun!

  • Hi Mary Jane! A sewing/ craft room sounds wonderful. I usually take everything out of the room, go through it all and then only bring back in what I am going to keep. This applies to the furniture, the accessories and even the craft supplies. I just went though my own supplies and donated or tossed items I'd had for years, but never used. Then I organized supplies by type and by season. You also might want to peek at Pinterest. There are some really practical ways to organize craft supplies that are pretty and inexpensive and use items most people have around the house. Like this fabric storage idea...hope that helps!

  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Nov 13, 2018

    You need shelves and clear shoe boxes. The boxes are ideal to put ribbons in. Buttons can be put into zip up clear bags and then into the shoe boxes.

    Fabric quarters can be colour coordinated.

    I have included a photo of how I did mine.

    First get some cardboard boxes and sort the items into catergories. This way you can see what size box you will need.

    Start with something easy first.

    Papers again can be put in colour coordinated piles, then put together in files.

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